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US moves to ban packer ownership

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    US moves to ban packer ownership

    Here is a move that surely everyone can support - even ABP? The following press release by the producer (voluntarily) funded NFU contains the details.


    SASKATOON, Sask.—Today in Washington, Republican and Democratic Senators from several cattle-producing states introduced a bill to curtail captive supply in cattle markets.

    Captive supply is a technique wherein beef packing companies use cattle they own, or cattle they control through contracts that do not contain fixed prices, to push down prices to independent sellers. Captive supplies allow packers to stop bidding in cash markets whenever prices rise above packers’ preferred level. Nearly every study on the issue has concluded that packers’ use of captive supplies leads to lower prices for ranchers and farmers.

    Senators Mike Enzi (Rep.-Wyoming), Byron Dorgan (Dem.-North Dakota), Chuck Grassley (Rep.-Iowa), and Tim Thompson (Dem.-South Dakota) introduced the “Livestock Marketing Fairness Act” today in the US Senate. The bill, if passed, would outlaw captive supply contracts.

    Specifically, the bill would require that contracts specify actual prices. Captive supply contracts omit fixed prices and, instead, base values on cash-market prices at the time of delivery. But packers can push down those cash-market prices and, thus, push down prices for the contracted cattle. Further, the bill would require forward contracts to be made public and traded in public markets where all can observe bidding and bid themselves. The bill would not prevent forward contracting, but it would prevent packers from using non-priced contracts as a tool to depress markets. Additional moves are likely in the US—either through legislation or regulation—to ban packer ownership of cattle, thus outlawing all forms of captive supply.

    US President Obama has made a ban on captive supply a priority. In point 2 of his rural agenda, the Obama commits to “Pass a packer ban,” explaining that “When meatpackers own livestock they can manipulate prices and discriminate against independent farmers.”

    “Captive supply is one of the most serious problems faced by cattle producers in Canada and the US,” said NFU Ontario Board member Grant Robertson. “Farmers are receiving prices that echo those of the Great Depression, and a big factor behind those low prices is packers’ using captive supply contracts and herds to depress prices,” said Robertson.

    NFU Manitoba Board member Fred Tait said that the move to ban captive supply contracts in the US means that Canada must quickly follow suit. “We’re constantly told, by politicians and cattle organizations, that we have an integrated North American market. For that reason, US moves to increase farmers’ prices must be matched by similar moves here. We’ve integrated a lot of the bad coming out of the US; it’s time to integrate some of the good,” said Tait.

    NFU Alberta Board member Neil Peacock said that the problem of captive supply is even worse in Canada than in the US. According to US researchers, between 1/2 and 2/3 of the cattle entering the big Alberta packing plants are packers’ captive supplies. And Canada only has two packers. “The combination of few bidders and high levels of captive supply is the main reason Canadian cattle prices are so low,” said Peacock.

    The NFU has made a Canadian law banning captive supply a top priority. To advance this work, the organization has held dozens of meetings with farmers and ranchers in nearly every province in Canada. The NFU has met with provincial governments and made an extended presentation before the House of Commons Standing Committee on Agriculture, where there was significant consensus that captive supply was a major concern and must be dealt with. The NFU’s “The Farm Crisis and the Cattle Sector” is the most comprehensive study of cattle prices and profits produced in the past two decades. Copies at www.nfu.ca .

    Hey good idea!


      Hoorah! Ain't it funny how we're always behind the Americans on these things?


        i'd like to see how the americans do it because i can't believe the packers will just roll over on this one. canada won't get it done in my estimation because we have nutless mp's and harper would not be sympathetic to producers on this one.


          The Livestock Fairness Marketing Fairness Act would not ban packer ownership of cattle or captive supplies.

          The bill would [if passed] require
          • forward contracts for cattle, hogs and lambs be traded in public;
          • require marketing agreements to have a firm base price derived from an external source;
          • exempts producer owned cooperatives,
          • packers with low volumes and packers who own only one processing plant;
          • and ensures that trading is done in quantities that provide market access for both small and large livestock producers.

          The packers would still have captive supplies in fact the Bill would enshrine captive supplies in law. At best this is a piece of legislation that does nothing and in my view that kind of legislation is worse than nothing.

          Although it might be nice to have a public auction of forward contracts the packers will still own cattle and they will still have captive supplies and they would still control the price for todays live cattle as well as the price for contracted cattle. Really nothing will have changed.

          For certain the U.S. packers will still have captive supplies even if the NFU wants to tell you different.


            T'was all contained in the post farmers_son. Heading "US INTRODUCES LAW TO PARTIALLY BAN CAPTIVE SUPPLY IN CATTLE" - note the use of the word partially.
            Further on in the article "Additional moves are likely in the US, either through legislation or regulation, to ban packer ownership of cattle, thus outlawing all forms of captive supply."

            This is good legislation because it is moving in the right direction. Canadian groups must come together on this issue and pressurize all levels of Government to follow suit with the American legislation. After all the talk about it being an "integrated N.American market" how could we do anything else? Which group or organization in Canada could possibly oppose this type of legislation other than one working directly for packers interests?


              We could try something that might not work because of this and that or we can keep doing what won't work for sure. Nothing will work all by itself to cure the industries woes, but add some things together and the sum of it's parts will eventually swing the pendulum. Packer supply restriction plus producer owned plants plus producer value chains plus BSE testing plus an age verified herd plus a tracking system plus plus. What would 2004, 2005 look like if we had our ducks in a row. We will never know now but lining some ducks up would be a good idea today.


                How about requiring full price
                disclosure instead? That would be


                  What would be the reason in the first place that someone would sign a contract that had no price on it? When you think about it, it makes no sense at all.

                  I think our government has no choice but to follow this lead. Otherwise we can see our entire country becoming the "captive supply" that is used instead. With Cargill having such a monopoly already you'd have to be living under a rock to not see it coming. How long would that happen before trade action followed? I would think it wouldn't be long.

                  If we don't adopt the same rules it can only mean some terrible times for us.


                    Sorry for the confusion kato. I meant
                    full public disclosure on all
                    contracts. Remove the opportunity to
                    sign cattle up at slightly over/under
                    market to manipulate supply/demand.
                    Canfax is basically cash bid, not grid
                    or contract pricing.


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