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Big Farms

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    No fs it's not me that is twisting things around its you. I was merely pointing out the contradiction that appears all the time when you back ABP and yet claim your personal beliefs are more or less exactly the opposite.
    You claim to back the cow/calf producer, small operations against giant, producer plants against the big packers yet as I said before ABP policies favor the opposite.

    ABP actively supports captive supply, a practice which lowers live cattle prices for all producers.
    ABP supported the bailouts the big packers got after BSE.
    ABP promotes giantism through their campaign to increase the CAIS payment caps.
    ABP campaigns for an end to supply management which delivers viability to family sized dairy operations.


      In the grand scheme of things, the most
      important thing we need now is RAIN, and I
      doubt if either ABP or Premier Ed can do
      much about that !!!
      We got a nice little shower this morning,
      not enough but hopefully we will get more
      over the next few days.


        Actually Grassfarmer, that is a gross misrepresentation of ABP. And Coppertop is right, what we need is rain. We would all feel better.

        Still think there needs to be more awareness that the mega factory farm concept is not the way for agriculture to go. What would happen to agriculture if it is all in the hands of a handful of enterprises and they start to go bankrupt like the hog farm in the first item in this thread. It will be GM and Chrysler all over again. Government is going to own most of GM. If agriculture goes big (and it is on its way to being there) Government will end up owning agriculture too.

        What a minute...government already owns the biggest hog farm in Saskatchewan. Go figure....


          Why is it a gross misrepresentation fs? Please tell me which of the points I quoted aren't true.
          1 ABP actively supports captive supply.
          2 ABP supported the bailouts the big packers got after BSE.
          3 ABP campaigned to increase the CAIS payment caps to $3 million.
          4 ABP wants an end to supply management.

          As for Kevin Boone I would disagree with you there Coppertop - with his pinstripe suits, spotless new cowboy hat and working off farm he doesn't impress many of my friends in this zone with his ability to represent us. He does a great job for the packers though arguing as he does for captive supply, no BSE testing etc etc.


            grassfarmer I live about fifteen minutes
            from Kevin Boon. If all you see when you
            think of him is pinstripe suits then you
            don't know the man at all. He does not
            have a large cattle operation and his
            off farm job as you call it is in the
            cattle industry. Sometimes I think we
            only hear what we want to hear both on
            this site and in person. I think it is
            difficult for any organization to
            represent the cattle industry when that
            industry can't agree on what the issues
            are and how they should be solved. All
            one has to do is look at the posts on
            this site and it is easy to see why
            governments think they need to regulate
            us, because we don't know what is good
            for us !!!!


              I'm not following the logic of your last post Coppertop.

              "All one has to do is look at the posts on this site and it is easy to see why
              governments think they need to regulate us, because we don't know what is good
              for us !!!!"

              What do you mean by that? that there is only one opinion on these posts that is right and that if others disagree with it they deserve to be regulated by Government?


                grassfarmer don't always get your shorts
                in a knot. I merely said there are
                strong opinions voiced on both sides of
                many issues, so obviously the livestock
                industry does not speak with one voice.
                The livestock industry isn't on the same
                page when it comes to speaking to
                government, hence, the government feels
                they need to regulate the industry
                because, obviously if we don't agree on
                a common position, they know best !!
                Just my opinion of why we are seeing so
                much top down legislation coming at us.


                  Coppertop..that's probably the best argument that I've heard on this post to support refundable check-off so producers have a choice. Exactly the basis of the formation of the Beef Industry Alliance. If you agree with the policies of Kevin Boone and ABP, then keep your check-off dollars in place and support them. If you want a packing plant that will allow custom slaughter for value chains or one that will develop EU markets, then allow those producers the opportunity to direct their check-off.


                    Sawbones, I don't think that the
                    refundable checkoff is necessarily going
                    to be redirected, producers can request
                    it be refunded and use it to go to
                    Mexico if they want, they don't have to
                    redirect it to market our livestock.
                    I don't know all the answers but I feel
                    that a plebicite would have clearly
                    shown the desire of the cattle industry.
                    That is my issue with Bill 43. Let the
                    people in the industry decide if they
                    want a mandatory check-off or
                    refundable. I would hope you agree that
                    producers who are earning a living in
                    the livestock industry are better
                    equipped to make a decision on what is
                    best for the industry, than 73 MLA's who
                    are mainly from urban centers and have
                    never owned a cow, much less know what
                    issues the industry faces.


                      Relative to the topic, I think that size
                      does matter. One of the best ways to
                      protect yourself is to employ enough
                      people that government won't let you
                      fail (aka GM). I don't know any farms
                      in that league at present though (a few
                      processors maybe).
                      I think that I support refundable
                      checkoff, however I also think producers
                      should have been the ones to decide.
                      One of my issues with refundable
                      checkoff though is that people may
                      request the refund yet still reap the
                      benefits. A simple example could be a
                      producer direct marketing, who gets a
                      checkoff refund and uses BIC materials
                      in their promotions.
                      The greyness is that equal is not fair
                      and refundable is not fair.


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