Yes, it seems you were getting close per. Farmers_son replies with some more blatant lies.
1. The NFU gets a significant part of its funding from check off in PEI and New Brunswick. What a ridiculous statement - the numbers of producers in those provinces is tiny, it is not a check-off on livestock sold. As I understand it for producers with under $100,000 gross revenue they can pay $150 a year to NFU or the other regional political body or they can apply for a refund of the $150.
Surprise,surprise NFU membership across the country is $150 per year and we have thousands of members across the country.
2. To imply the extent of the NFUs interest in the livestock sector is collecting levy is not worthy of reply. You are only making a fool of yourself especially having been one of the spearheads of the ABP campaign to hang onto the mandatory ABP levy.
It has proven an interesting allegiance between you and Roy, The ABP man who likes to conceal his identity and the Nilsson man who pretends he is simply a rancher.
In your last post you suggested that I didn't have much to do with my time pursuing this issue of press freedom. I would argue that nothing is of more importance than democracy. Droughts will come and go as will cattle prices but democracy can never be taken for granted. I am not frightened to put my name out there in this fight to ensure democracy prevails - the fact that those of you on the other side choose to lurk in the shadows tells it's own story. Readers might be interested to know that at a recent cattle sale I sold some cull cows for 20 cents/lb less than identical cattle I hauled in for a friend. I wonder which buyer withheld their bid? Democracy comes at a price, one that I am prepared to pay but I sure would appreciate it if a few more of you would at least raise your heads far enough above the trenches to venture an opinion on this issue.
1. The NFU gets a significant part of its funding from check off in PEI and New Brunswick. What a ridiculous statement - the numbers of producers in those provinces is tiny, it is not a check-off on livestock sold. As I understand it for producers with under $100,000 gross revenue they can pay $150 a year to NFU or the other regional political body or they can apply for a refund of the $150.
Surprise,surprise NFU membership across the country is $150 per year and we have thousands of members across the country.
2. To imply the extent of the NFUs interest in the livestock sector is collecting levy is not worthy of reply. You are only making a fool of yourself especially having been one of the spearheads of the ABP campaign to hang onto the mandatory ABP levy.
It has proven an interesting allegiance between you and Roy, The ABP man who likes to conceal his identity and the Nilsson man who pretends he is simply a rancher.
In your last post you suggested that I didn't have much to do with my time pursuing this issue of press freedom. I would argue that nothing is of more importance than democracy. Droughts will come and go as will cattle prices but democracy can never be taken for granted. I am not frightened to put my name out there in this fight to ensure democracy prevails - the fact that those of you on the other side choose to lurk in the shadows tells it's own story. Readers might be interested to know that at a recent cattle sale I sold some cull cows for 20 cents/lb less than identical cattle I hauled in for a friend. I wonder which buyer withheld their bid? Democracy comes at a price, one that I am prepared to pay but I sure would appreciate it if a few more of you would at least raise your heads far enough above the trenches to venture an opinion on this issue.