David Milgard had few to turn to, for support. His mother.
If you were innocent of a crime, jensend, perhaps you would look to and hope the farm community would support you. Agrivuille is a place where farmers can discuss issues with each other.
A farmer who still claims, after being jailed for 22 years, that he is innocent, should be a able to read a receptive word somehere on the net, and especially amongst his own.
And AV is a farm forum. Surely it is a place where men are indeed men. Pars
If you were innocent of a crime, jensend, perhaps you would look to and hope the farm community would support you. Agrivuille is a place where farmers can discuss issues with each other.
A farmer who still claims, after being jailed for 22 years, that he is innocent, should be a able to read a receptive word somehere on the net, and especially amongst his own.
And AV is a farm forum. Surely it is a place where men are indeed men. Pars