GF - I think I actually tend to agree
with you on this one. The challenge is
that as the rules increase in complexity
the enforcement costs soon outweigh the
value of the program. I get pretty
pissy when I see a farm sticker on a two
seater car, but I know several
horticulture operations that use
minivans as a regular part of their farm
business. It is tough to say where to
draw the line, particularly on a mixed
type of operation, where a SUV may be
used to transport product to a Farmer's
I know a lot of people take advantage of
the program as I have personally seen
construction outfits and others fill at
the purple pump when they have
absolutely no business doing so.
That said I also don't really want the
invasion of privacy and PITA factor that
comes with full blown enforcement.
Like most things it is a double edged
sword. Low fuel costs also facilitate
greenhouse gas emissions and less
efficient use of a non renewable
with you on this one. The challenge is
that as the rules increase in complexity
the enforcement costs soon outweigh the
value of the program. I get pretty
pissy when I see a farm sticker on a two
seater car, but I know several
horticulture operations that use
minivans as a regular part of their farm
business. It is tough to say where to
draw the line, particularly on a mixed
type of operation, where a SUV may be
used to transport product to a Farmer's
I know a lot of people take advantage of
the program as I have personally seen
construction outfits and others fill at
the purple pump when they have
absolutely no business doing so.
That said I also don't really want the
invasion of privacy and PITA factor that
comes with full blown enforcement.
Like most things it is a double edged
sword. Low fuel costs also facilitate
greenhouse gas emissions and less
efficient use of a non renewable