Capturing Feed Grain and Forage Opportunities Conference 2009. Dec 9, 10. 2009, Red Deer Lodge, Red Deer, AB.
Capturing Feed Grain and Forage Opportunities Conference 2009 Red Deer Lodge, Red Deer, AB.
The organizing committee would like to invite you, your colleagues, clients, and friends to attend this year's Capturing Feed Grain and Forage Opportunities Conference: New Market Realities in the Livestock Industry conference!
The conference will be held at the Red Deer Lodge December 9 and 10, 2009.
If you have any questions, or would like to register, please contact the Chinook Applied Research Association at (403)664-3777
Speakers include:
Sean McGrath
Anne Dunford.
Diane McCann-Hinz.
Brent McEwan.
Christoph Weder.
<a href="$department/EFE.nsf/all/6ACB28ADB91D4D69872575DD0060BBDC/$file/Capturing%20Feed%20Grain%20and%20Forage%20Opportun ities%202009%20Brochure.pdf"target="blank">
Click Here to open the Conference Brochure on the Alberta Ag Site. </a>
Source: News Release
Capturing Feed Grain and Forage Opportunities Conference 2009 Red Deer Lodge, Red Deer, AB.
The organizing committee would like to invite you, your colleagues, clients, and friends to attend this year's Capturing Feed Grain and Forage Opportunities Conference: New Market Realities in the Livestock Industry conference!
The conference will be held at the Red Deer Lodge December 9 and 10, 2009.
If you have any questions, or would like to register, please contact the Chinook Applied Research Association at (403)664-3777
Speakers include:
Sean McGrath
Anne Dunford.
Diane McCann-Hinz.
Brent McEwan.
Christoph Weder.
<a href="$department/EFE.nsf/all/6ACB28ADB91D4D69872575DD0060BBDC/$file/Capturing%20Feed%20Grain%20and%20Forage%20Opportun ities%202009%20Brochure.pdf"target="blank">
Click Here to open the Conference Brochure on the Alberta Ag Site. </a>
Source: News Release