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Warning to other parents

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    Warning to other parents

    Yes I know this isn't exactly topical of this message board, but we have in the past spoken of the junk going on in our schools with our kids.

    Some information has come to my attention which combined with the NEW vaccine forms sent home via school children from school, on behalf of the Health Authority, needs immediate attention.

    The Health Authority needs your consent to vaccinate your child, at school or otherwise. However, their NEW FORM for granting consent NOW INCLUDES a section stating you are "REFUSING" to take the vaccination - and there is a place there for you to sign the "refusal" separate from where you would sign the "consent".

    Dr. True Ott of the USA, revealed in one of his DVD lectures (which I watched this evening) that in 39 states in the USA, they have passed legislation which would make it legal for the State to charge and imprison (quarantine) anybody who refuses a vaccination under pandemic classifications.

    So maybe Gardasil (HPV), Hepatitis and DTaP are not listed pandemics at this time; the up and coming H1N1 IS.

    They are setting a precedent where-in you sign a contract with the Health Authority stating you "refuse" a vaccination.

    I suggest you don't sign the Health Authority's form. Draft your own, and tell them they do not have your consent to vaccinate, period.

    If you have already signed the NEW "Consent"/"Refusal" FORM, as some have.... get the original back from the Health Authority - rip it up, and give them your own document.

    It is "their duty to obtain your written consent before they vaccinate your child". It is not your duty to sign their "refusal" form.

    Smells like a trap! And I want to warn parents of this intrusive and underhanded legal manipulation of your parental rights.

    I'll get the name of the legislation in the USA tomorrow. Canada/Alberta must be planning or committed to similar legislation. Mr. Duckett is getting his "ducks" in a row! Let's say goodbye to Mr. Duckett and send him packing back to Australia.

    I have watched the videos of Dr. Mercola on
    this issue, he is totally opposed to the
    vaccination. I think back in the day,
    parents were obligated to allow their
    children to receive small pox vaccinations
    but I have no idea whether parents were
    required to sign a form back then.


      Not to start a fight or anything, but I harken back to the day my Great-Grandfather died during the 1918 pandemic, leaving six orphaned children.

      I would think they want a signature that says it's been refused in case the situation comes up that someone died who was not vaccinated. This way they are not liable.

      Smells like there are lawyers involved....


        I think that this is just a way to to verify that the persons involved have been informed of their options, and have been given their opportunity to make the decision either for or against vaccination. Informed Consent I think is what they call this.

        I think that some people don't want the government or bureacrates tell them what to do and believe that they should be suspicious of EVERYTHING! Really there is no X-file conspiracy, but given the opportunity to protect your children agains the various diseases out there, why wouldn't we? In the remotre event of a reaction to the vaccines, the practitioners know how to deal with them.

        The world would still be fighting polio, smallpox, measles and diptheria if we didn't put some trust in Science.


          DogPatch the other vaccines you mention
          took years of research to develop, the H1N1
          vaccine has been rushed through and I for
          one will not be getting a shot. I would
          rather take my chances with the flu than
          with a vaccine that has had a RUSH ORDER on
          it. I hope that nobody has a reaction but
          even the regular flu shot causes adverse
          reactions in some people.


            True there are those out there that don't believe that vaccinations work. Research does take time, and money, but I think that the knowledge that the Science has gathered since 1918 should be able to prevail.

            As someone has said, refering to her Grandfather...... I don't intend to leave my kids orphaned, nor plan to put my kids (and everyone elses) at risk by refusing the vaccination.


              Several years ago I caught H1N1 when I was working at the vet clinic, and we had clients who had it going through their hog barns. It wasn't quite the same as this new strain, because it was only being spread from pigs to humans, and not from human to human. The only ones who got sick were me, the boss, and some workers in the barns. I guess I picked it up from handling the blood vials that had come from the barns. I didn't even go in a barn myself, but the sampling kit did.

              It was not fun. I wouldn't recommend it.


                I do not get flu shots and have yet to
                put the general population at risk. H1N1
                is already in our country, and province
                and nobody to my knowledge nobody has
                had a vaccination as of yet so I guess
                we all must be putting the general
                population at risk !!!
                I have two close friends who had
                horrible reactions to flu shots, they
                were very sick, and both had to take
                several weeks off work.


                  There are some very well educated and vocal doctors out there who will tell you the facts about the vaccines and what actually caused decreases in the diseases (guess what the vaccines didn't eliminate anything). I have one book that is quite detailed:

                  "Vaccine Safety Manual, For Concerned Families and Health Practitioners", by Neil Z. Miller

                  ISBN: 978-1-881217-35-0 Copyright 2008
                  Published by: New Atlantean Press
                  P.O. Box 9638
                  Sante Fe, NM 87504

                  Plenty of facts on how many of these "infectious" diseases were actually induced by the vaccines.

                  The autistic epidemic being experienced in the USA and other countries like Scotland, are indicative of a toxic exposure - not genetics. There are also several doctors who noticed that the rise in polio and fall, seemed to coincide with the use of DDT. I had also personally noticed this in the literature. Seems interesting to note that now that DDT is being allowed for use again, in some countries (mostly developing ones to combat malaria so the story goes), there is a reported rise in polio along with it.

                  I can recommend you google a few people, like "Mary Tocco" and "Dr. Andrew Moulden"... both will be in Alberta later this month to speak at public meetings. I'll post the details when I get them.

                  Another excellent book is "Evidence of Harm" by David Kirby. I have dozens of books, DVDs and CDs with doctors like Sheri Tenpenny (former ER doctor) etc... exposing the corporate fraud in vaccine production and government.

                  The new vaccine forms are not for protecting the government from people who choose "not to vaccinate"... they are for protecting the government and pharmaceutical companies from the people "who become vaccine injured". Informed Consent is an absolute joke, as not one health official or public health nurse, or doctor (involved with vaccinating the public), is providing us with full disclosure of the dangers of the vaccinations. Many do not know the dangers themselves, because it would be completely life-altering if they bothered to do the research themselves, it would shatter their image of health care. Many doctors, like Dr. Rachael Carley - didn't get involved until it was their child that became one of the vaccine injured.


                    I will get the vaccination. There is NO reason to not do so. Lots of miss-information and down-right LIES on the Internet and in the press trying to discourage people from getting protection. Don't listen to them, as they are mischief makers.


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