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CWB Grain Flow Contracts

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    Get Serious,

    No one, no reasonable person at the very least... can claim this grain flow offer was fair. To make 99% of your customers angry... can't be a sane program!

    Was this a special for producer car administrators... I wonder how they made out?

    OH well... the CWB is living up to expectations... if there is a stupid way to do a program... they must find it and try it!

    CWB moto of the day... 'We are here to lower your expectations!' -is a shared standard with monsanto- Remember the 'no matter what the weather' with the four pictures?

    When the weathermax on our weeds in 2002 and didn't work... the rep said to us... "My job is to lower your expecations!"

    I know I know... they are only 'little white lies' ...

    Little Johnny asked his dad: "What is a little white lie... Daddy?" His Dad said.... "A lie is a lie... no matter what colour it is... or how big it is!"


      So they pay for a farmer to store grain by their rules either by grainflo or if you have high protein.

      BUT if you choose to store your grain to the next crop year they charge you a fee.

      Ironic. and complete incompetence.


        When the CWB came up with the Grain Flo program; it sure looks like they added another unfair; unequal scheme to their business model. On their own, how could farmers do any worse a job marketing than the misguided CWB crew.
        The next step is back to begging the politicians for hand outs; again


          Good point oneof. If you signed a canola contract for march delivery - you know that's when you will deliver. All producers have equal opportunity for that window - not just for first 5 minutes of October 1.


            They have sent me more fines and bills over the year for one second I didn't believe we would qualify for this lottery, not one second, we tried and they won.
            Yes if I signed a Canola contract you can do when ever every single farmer not 5 minuets.


              Make sure that you all vote next time there are director elections.




                The CWB will contract with an electoral boundaries specialist, redesign the voters in each area to exact the numbers they want, pad an iffy area, put the militant voters in one glump to highlight there is "regional dissension" and laugh all the way to the polls.

                It's their professional game. You can't win it.

                Face to face public confrontation... now that you can win. The public likes us. The CWB cowers.



                  Just heard on the radio today how wounderfull this program is for the farmers that took advantage of it. This was right after picking up my pathetic wheat check.
                  They say hate is a strong word. But MAN I hate the CWB.


                    May be it just don't matter what aa farmer thinks cause multinational and Canadian grain companies seem to support the CWB, as well they should cause it takes all the worry about buying grain. Kind of like ordering from a menu and paying with someone elses credit card. May be, maybe the CWB just ain't really got us farmers first in their plans. And maybe some of the CWB programs fly in the face of the old principle that is embraced by the supporters of equality of opportunity. Ya think?


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