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Major Crash in Grain Prices! TV coverage ZERO!

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    Major Crash in Grain Prices! TV coverage ZERO!

    Now if the stock market crashed some 50% to 60% like grain prices have the last couple months the world would worry and be scared. Yet when Grain prices do it they dont even get a sound bite from any news network.
    Food Cheap oh well that's a good thing. Also isn't it funny, 1st hog guys going broke, Then now Cattle guys exiting and others going broke, Next will be grain guys exiting again and going broke.
    But the price we pay for groceries just keeps going up and up. Buy any spare ribs lately.
    Whats the answer I dont know but the way things are going most will be in real crap within a year or to again. HM 1 day high prices ever years of pain after.

    Saskfarmer, may I ask why you even farm?

    With all due respect, I have been watching with some rare input into the threads here, and you just seem so negative all the time. You complain about nearly everything.

    Please do not forget there are many who have less than you. That it is always worse for some than yourself.

    I personally have not combined a thing yet. I have swathed my canola, and was mid way through it while you were swathing your reseeded stuff. I am stressed like I have never been before,as you may well imagine. Yet I know there are others in worse shape than me, so I don't complain on here though human nature is to do so I suppose.

    I do not mean to argue, to sound condescending etc., but when you complain about harvest being late in August when my canola is still blooming, when you complain about grain prices of which I have none to sell yet anyway, and when you complain about no rain, and later harvest astounding crops, it gets to me a bit.

    So why do you farm if its so bad? People going broke in business is a fact of life. If I don't get my combining done I'm one of them. #$%& happens.

    I could live with these prices and a crop, you see. If others can not it probably has to do more with too much iron than not growing a crop. In my case it may be not getting an opportunity to harvest. Now that is frustrating.


      SS3, don't worry about grain went lower, it is only short term. The long term is that Saudi Arabia may buying wheat instead of been self-sufficient for 20 years has been down due acquirer level has been depleted. Also recently news that in India is facing drought down there.


      Nice harvesting we has in Alberta. And thanks to Canada Enviriment who has forcast nice weather for 3 mths. And they are almost right.


        The "Cheap Food Policy" is not going away anytime soon, particularly with BO in the White House. I believe it will be tied to Health Reform so his supporters will be able to get off 'cheap snacks and pop' and start to eat better foods, as the gov't will now want you healthy to lower costs to the plan overall.

        Talk about Marketing though, 'Agriculture in the broad use of the word' failed point out(Marketing) during the last commodity rally that the substantial increase in grocery costs was due to transportation costs related to oil & gasoline prices rather than the couple cents the raw commodity might have gone up. Also that Agriculture finally had prices that covered their land costs, their crop input costs, equipment costs, labour and taxes etc...and all without gov't subsidies. However,the 'Oil and Gasoline' sector succeeded with their marketing in blaming substantial increases in grocery prices on farmers and the high prices for commodities (Wheat @ $20.00/bus, Corn @ $7.50/bus etc.. Record high prices!!! that in tandem with renewable energy's, ethanol and biodiesel (Which by the way is competition for Oil & Gasoline. They won the marketing battle, and now people still have in their heads renewable fuels = higher groceries.


          Sorry, it's exactly how the free market is supposed to work. One estimated bushel too much and the price crashes. One perceived bushel too little and it soars. But next week something could change. I've been doing this for 35 years and with all the risks and market bull$hip it's amazing farmers just keep doing this. Those of us left are dam sharp but getting a bit old for this unpredictability. Most wage earners I know are retired from 30 years employment and sitting pretty with pensions and RRSP's. I'm still doing the same thing, risking it all every year, must be the gambling genes in us. If it's too much for you I guess phone an auctioneer. Big hungry operations all around me would write the cheque tomorrow.


            Free wheat Like bill Clinton says I feel your pain. Don't you get it look at the headline. Major crash in Grain prices and no TV coverage. Its a question, not the fact I am negative. IT's a simple observation, when farmers prices go to shit their is no headlines etc. No media print, but when we get paid every one wants a piece.
            Its a observation. that's it plain and simple.
            Now on harvest do you think I dont feel worried with 50% of my crop out and its canola most of it. Hell I am scared how well do most do with CWB crops in bin except for peas and Cash crop in field.
            So sorry for offending you but I am not. And next time when read the headline ask your self why isn't their more coverage on farm related stories.


              SF3 is right. When grain prices were higher there was news coverage about how it affected food prices in the store. Now that prices are much lower has any of the media checked to see if food prices have come down in the store? The processors and retailers use increased grain prices as an excuse for high food prices. Bet prices in the store haven't come down nearly as much as grain prices.


                Grain value is usually only a tiny part of store prices. The increases were all BS. The decrease would only make a small diff so it does not pay. I read that food stores feel consumers remember increases but forget decreases, so they hate to lower prices and then have to raise them later and tick everyone off. Also less than 2% of population are farmers, so 98% are happy with lower grain prices. We will not be valued till the 98% feel hungry and stores are low on stock.


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