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Flax tidbits

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    Two whacks are better than one.

    http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&rls=com.microsoft:en-us&rlz=1I7GGLD_en&q=Joe Cummins is Professor Emeritus of Genetics&start=20&sa=N

    I would expect you to extol her virtues at every chance without thought:

    http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&rls=com.microsoft%3Aen-us&rlz=1I7GGLD_en&q=Nettie Wiebe professor canadian wheat board&aq=f&oq=&aqi=


      What is FP967 - Triffid flax, who made it, where did it come from and why do we need it? What ever happened to the 'customer's always right?' Cotten, we had a similar situation in the 80's when the EU farm subsidies completely destroyed international prices. Then deputy PM and Ag Min Don Maz asked what can be done to right the situation? We suggested taking a look at Europeon wine imports. You should have heard the hue and cry - the political elite and bureaucracy were not about to sacrifice their 80 dollar a bottle luncheon wines just to save a bunch of Western farmers. Mr. Weber, you forget, the medium is the message, tests don't mean anything - this is the age of lunacy and hyperbole. Should give some cause to reflect for those who want to introduce GM wheats - how many bins can you afford to store high yielding, easy to grow GM's that no one may want to buy? Educate the buyer - nope, educate the supplier! That's how the marketplace works! Agri-business and agriculture are two different industries, how hard is that to understand?


        Greenpeace and Joe Cummins - who would have ever thought that possible?

        Ask the hard questions Parsley - Who funds Prof. Joe Cummins?

        by: Panelists: Prof. Joe Cummins, Helke Ferrie, Gene Action, Greenpeace


          Both professors most likely have a few thoughts and ideas I can agree with and associate with, athough most of them I cannot.

          I support what I advocate and vice versa. Rather a novel idea, even fifteen or so years ago at one of the CWB accountability meetings I attended and stood up and criticized the Board.

          That was well received. (tic) LOL

          Philosophical difference does not not mean we cannot agree on selected issues. At least, for me.

          Food is one of them.


            Ask the hard questions Parsley -

            Who funds Prof. Joe Cummins?


              I honestly have never looked it up! LOL

              1. But I would presume it would be consumer yuppie types with heavy purses that fund Greenpeace, who in turn advocate buying expensive Canadian food flax. The scum!

              I should be indignant, except they pay farmers.

              2. Better deal, isn't it, than Canadian farmers who funded the CWB so the CWB could in in turn tell the farmers to burn their fusarium wheat because the Board refused to sell it even though the Americans would buy it and bought it initially from McMeachan.
              I was indignant because farmers paid dearly.

              If he is,and I'll take your word for it if you know, Joe being paid by GP is a reality, as is Saskatoon's U of S'
              s Crop Development Centre's chairs publically plumped up by Chemical and Biotech companies.

              I hate spending valuable squabbling time on Joe's sugar-daddy/ (or mamma?). Agree? (:< )) Pars


                Agreed; however, before you quote someone as gospel - as you have said with Gord Machej:

                "Follow the money"

                Don't abandon your rules to suit your case. This is all about follow the money.

                Rockpile is right:

                How do you counter the medium now to get industrial flax moving again to cashflow flax farmers before the SLS and LH freezes?


                  Could we agree on this, Weber:

                  The October Meeting of the Flax Committee formed needs to have some sort of action plan in hand, because if they don't, farmers are going to have to tie up the "Lead follow or get out of the way" faction that will just have had their hair blown dry and their nails manicured, before they walk into the meeting.

                  That's a fix....Tying them up.

                  I mean ...tie them up, one with the other, and tightly, like we do with young bulls that can't get along when they are first turned out into a herd of flax-fed cows.

                  They'll wrestle and fight for months, but they'll finally get so tired, at least they'll quit fighting and listen.

                  Pick your cure:
                  1. Action plan
                  2. Tied up fighting.

                  We need an action plan in the interest of farmers, and maybe all the government agencies will stop squabbling/stalling/ long enough to read it. How many days have gone by since the first EU flax alert?

                  Doing nothing means nothing sold.

                  Just a suggestion. Pars


                    I want to stress this:

                    The most important part of the action plan is how to convince the EU buyers to buy our flax.

                    We need our buyers back.

                    What is presently being done in Ottawa, in CGC, in CFIA, etc is resulting in still more and more buyers turning away from Canada.

                    Not good for farmers. Pars


                      And I didn't bloody abandon my rules, Weber.

                      Joe might be paid by GP, or Rosie Wochuk but his facts are on public record. His quotes. And he can be fired as a University professor if he is way off the mark. He's vulnerable.

                      BUT I didn't discount his facts simply because they came from a face others don't approve of or support.

                      That's my rule.


                        Tough assignment! We tie in Europeon reluctance to support our NATO role in Afganhistan and then lay on a guilt trip outlining that adding insult to injury, they use bogus rhetoric and research to not only protect their paltry flax production from Canadian imports, but also deny their own consummers from access to a safe and affordable product. We stress that this is just an affront to the rampant anti-Americanism that has been so boldly exploited by Europeon politicians to backstop their own failures. And we challenge them to fess up and play a leading role in forwarding global freedom and Democracy, and to stop penalizing their allies, who once saved their sorry asses in the 1940's and that they should enter on a fair and competitive basis - the new global marketplace. Either that , or we tarriff the hell out of their wine. THAT would catch their attention!!!


                          So all the postings at PN on this subject are two way debate from both sides?


                            Yes, indeed.

                            It's an age old verbal remedy to tie up your arguments.

                            You'll end up not knowing if you are coming or going. Parsnicker


                              Why bash EU rockpile? Everyone in Canada has relatives in Europe. Family. They have good societies. They live well. They speak well.

                              We can try to get along with them, work with them, or we can resort to fighting with them! They are people just like you and I.

                              Think about this rocky...if I can talk checking into chosing me as his fishing partner....well, there's hope for any venture venturing forth. LOL


                                You can come out from your hiding place now. lol Just blackberry me again, and tell me how your oats finished off from the other night.


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