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Flax tidbits

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    Pars,you maybe on the wrong side here.


      Probably am.

      So is organics not real. Or viable.

      And you're a one size fits all kinda guy.

      And yes, I know, only the CWB can sell my grain profitably.

      I am not capable.

      I am not capable.

      I am not capable.

      I am not capable.

      I am not capable.

      I am not capable.

      Darn mother of mine should never have told me I can do things for myself. Pars


        OONNN a side note-
        Is it not true that plenty of gmo canola is exported to the e.u and that it only commands a 5 doollars a tonne dissadvantage over non-gmo.WWWhich is invatismally ridonculous?


          Not talking cwb
          Not talking organics
          Not talking condom size

          Its political hoopla


            Hey Pars, don't get me wrong, I have family and roots from Europe as well. However, business is business, why won't they respect us as being their 'children'. Because they have circled the wagons and have come to see the new world as a threat. This won't wash in the new global economy where China and India are progressing by leaps and bounds. Geez, lighten up, I'm on your side on this one! lol!!!
            I respect what you are doing... organic lady!!!



              Agreed, it is bullshit hoopla to absolutely everyone BUT organics.But it's more than one interest's finagalling in the EU. organics is the most affected, though.

              cott, you are one of the AV'ers who has actually read Jane Jacobs, so I suspect you can better relate to the importance of the small-communities of the world, of like-minded working together, yet totally separate from others working as like-mindeds but yet not insular from the rest of the world.

              Finding common ground.

              Rocky, note my icon. And thanks for the compliment. Farmers taking time to appreciate each other is like buying the other a latte. Did you read my poetry? LOL I'll bet few farmers read my last poem. See? We all have different interests. LOL Wait until I publish my books. You'll be reading them under the bed with a flashlight. LOL


                How many years did it take to get GM canola approved in Europe? To make it thru all the red tape?

                Could it take the same amount of time to get trace amounts of flax approved? Now that's scary. And there's nothing more stubborn and slow-moving than a Eurocrat.



                  Follow the money.

                  Cummins retired in 1996. He is 76 years old.

                  Who is he accountable to except to those who fund him? He is the GP poster boy. The GM Watch poster boy.

                  What equipment do you think he has in his retirement home to single out Triffid?

                  You need to go to the CP school of due diligence.


                    Reread the post about him again. He's giving an opinion, as do I. He couldn't find any CDN flax test plots, dumb blob, but maybe you can pinpoint them out for us to enhance his lack of awareness.

                    A lot of folks do contract work. Who pays is immaterial. I doubt he works for a regulatory body, so who cares?

                    Who in the world wants to get hung up on Joe's pay, but if that point of contention satisfies that square of interest named "Who pays Joe?" sectioned off in your GM flax discussion grid, go forth, young man, and play with your calculator, but I've leave that square for you to mull with all the fervor you can muster, which I'll guess, will provide AV readers with comments amusing to read.

                    His equipment?

                    Probably computers, a server, some owned by GreenPeace. And....he's feisty enough to make one think he's operating with a good set of balls.

                    I regret I do not measure up. Pars


                      and there's the rub...

                      you actually thinks he writes that shit

                      good grief...

                      That Larry Hill sure writes good letters to the editor doesn't he...

                      The Prime Minister sure gives good speeches ...

                      The President of the USA wrote a good letter today...

                      Percy Schmeisser used to write moving speeches...

                      Fa la la la la ...la la ...la ...la



                        "Now that's scary. And there's nothing more stubborn and slow-moving than a Eurocrat."

                        You hit it on the head.

                        No sense telling the buyer that his mamma is ugly and his kids dress funny.

                        Every government bureaucrat taking a direct order from his little elected Napoleon will be on an ego power trip tranferred to him by his Minister's direct order.

                        And that is what makes one country bristle at the other.

                        And you and I pay.

                        Let's try to get someone to go to EU who is a smoothiewith the media BUT on the farmer's side of the policy agenda. Pars


                          Note the icon @ glasses in that post

                          Surely you do not believe every thing you read.


                            This just stinks of a trade barrier given there is no definitive proof. Did countries overreact to BSE? yes. Will they on any other opportunity to kill competitive trade? yes. Let's call a spade a spade here folks. No proof has been provided. Europe is not into free trade as shown by their unwillingness along with the US to curb subsidies. The customer is always right Parsley, but bad politics has to be fought. If we didn't demand proof, they could claim anything at anytime and I guess according to you, we'd just have to say "the customer is always right" and there goes another market.


                              One additive,

                              Who's taken the lead role? Who's handling this file? How confident do you feel? A month gone by, and the trade is being canvassed for samples!

                              But soothing "situations" is all about PR. optics. At the least, making it seem as if actually someone knows what they are doing. Is that the case? Do you feel good? Does EU? Confident?

                              And how do you think CGC feels? How about CFIA? Feeling good? What about MInister Ritz? Happy camper? Flax Council? Betcha they wished they could go fishing.

                              Yes, well, think about a dangerous GM food spill where something gets away on us.

                              And look at the level of competence.
                              I rest my "you're on my case".



                                Friday, September 18, 2009
                                CFIA: Changes to Import Notification Requirements

                                As part of the Government of Canada’s ongoing commitment to food safety, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is initiating new import notification requirements for selected commodities regulated under the Food and Drugs Act and Regulations.

                                The intent of this initiative is to improve the availability of identification and tracking of food products in the event of a food safety issue and is not designed nor intended to impede the trade of safe food products.

                                In order to facilitate this initiative, the new import notification requirements will be implemented in a phased-in approach starting with 14 priority commodities. These commodities will be coded using the International Harmonized System code (HS code) and CFIA’s Automated Imported Reference System (AIRS) Codes.

                                The commodities identified in Table 2 and their corresponding HS codes will be added to the CFIA’s HS Code Filter List. This will require importers to identify these products by using the HS Code and CFIA AIRS extension as outlined in Table 2. Additional commodities will be added in future in priority sequence. The latest CFIA HS Code filter list is available here.

                                Effective March 15, 2010, Importers/Brokers will be expected to notify the CFIA of the commodities listed in Table 2 via the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) using the updated HS codes and CFIA AIRS extension. Failure to do so may result in CBSA rejecting the release request.

                                The extended implementation time is designed to allow those importers/brokers who currently do not have an EDI profile to apply for one, and to develop and test the compatibility of their data systems with the CFIA. To obtain an EDI profile, importers/brokers are required to complete the application and testing processes with both CBSA ACROSS Phase III and then with the CFIA. The CFIA Automated Import System (AIS) Participant’s Information Document provides more information on EDI and becoming a CFIA EDI client.

                                To obtain a copy of this document:
                                CFIA EDI Coordinator: EDICoordination@inspection.gc.ca
                                Phone: 613-773-5322


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