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Compendium of CWB *****s That should Be Remembered

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    I ran off pages ten years ago.

    Back then the Wheat Board boldly proclaimed that they could not issue export licenses to farmers.

    Farmers meekly accepted what they said.

    Organics fought it.
    Cut and paste into Google for entire transcript:

    "Mr. David Anderson: You presently give no-cost licences to producers in certain areas as well, right?

    Mr. Ken Ritter: That's in Jim's area.

    Mr. Jim Thompson: A Quebec producer who certified his product was grown in the province of Quebec would be granted an export licence, without having to pay any fee into the pool account."

    And Western farmers contimue to meekly accept bullying stupidity. Pars


      The Chairman of the CWB was asked if the CWB could issue licenses to producers, and he deferred the question to staff.

      Good thing Ritter wasn't standing in front of my foot that day.

      And Thompson said "Quebec."

      But he didn't say that the CWB also issues export licenses to Western producers as well.

      When they take the notion. Pars



        I clicked on the (for you bucket) and got an internal error.

        The other one brings up the search.

        I think dirtgirl wanted the post in this thread and I don't know how. Maybe you could insert that post into this thread for all to review again.


          Go to the bottom of this page.

          Click on site map.
          Click on site search

          Enter "Vader " in search box
          (or durum, or Parsley, or bucket or whatever!)

          Also Click on discussion forums
          Also open window and click on ALL instead of 5.

          Enjoy. Pars

          You will be ready for tending to your fall chickens aka wringing necks when you go through some of the archived Vader posts. LOL


            Extremely glad that agri-ville.com didn't tinker with this classic. My apologies to this site. I can now have some sympathy for understandable reasons for Webmasters pulling a very few inappropriate posts that could cause obvious legal problems. The rant is just as offensive and revealing as it originally was. Take it for what its worth.. It now shows up on the search list as #88

            Vader posted Jan 26, 2008 12:20
            talked to a farmer yesterday whose durum went 70 bushels per acre. On 2000 acres the gross revenue is $1,750,000.00.

            I have heard similar stories around Kindersley and Swift Current of durum that went 50 bushels per acre. Now that is only $650,000 for a thousand acres but in that case the lentils and canola took him well into the millions as well.

            I hear all the time here on angryville the time people like Saskfarmer bitching about the CWB because he can't get $17.00 for his durum and he blames this on the CWB.

            In the case of a few rich farmers who can sit on all of their grain while the raging masses sell out early perhaps Saskfarmer has a legitimate argument. Perhaps we did cost him $5.00 per bushel on his durum. Perhaps it ran 50 bushels per acre and perhaps he had a thousand acres. And perhaps he could have earned an additional quarter of a million dollars.

            I could argue that this is a zero sum game and that on the flip side there is another farmer that could have had the same 50 bushel crop on the same acreage base of 1000 acres and he could have sold his durum for $7.00 per bushel and for that farmer we made him an extra quarter million dollars. I could argue that for the health of the community it is better that the second farmer is able to pay down his debt and remain a constructive player in the industry and the community while poor Saskfarmer was prevented from expanding his farm by another section. The section that farmer number two may have sold after making his decision to sell his durum at 7.00.

            But it is not a zero sum game. In fact we know that the CWB is asking $22.00 per bushel for durum today when the US elevator price reported here on Agri-vill is only $17.00. Now those elevators will sell your durum for $22.00 if they can get their hands on it.

            So we see that for starters the CWB is keeping about $5.00 per bushel out of the handling companies pockets and putting it in farmers pockets right now.

            Further we know that the average weighted selling price of durum in the US according to the North Dakota Wheat commission is about $10.00. This is further proof of the value of the CWB. The CWB has added to the bottom line of Canadian farmers on a 3 million tonne program an extra $73.00 per tonne or $220,000.00.

            So yes the downside is that we kept Saskfarmer from buying another section of land where he might next year make enough extra money to buy out another suffering neighbor who had to sell a section to Saskfarmer.

            The upside is that the Ag industry in Canada made an extra almost quarter of a BILLION DOLLARS.

            And that is just on Durum.

            Wait till you see my analysis on Spring Wheat and Malt Barley.

            Rod Flaman
            CWB Director - District 8

            Oh and by the way. The CWB Rocks.


              Thanks checking. That's the top ***** that should be remembered. And vader/rod flaman/liberal candidate is at the top of the list. Amazing this guy quits posting or providing his analysis.


                And what is scarey is that other farmers elected him.

                Probably because they did not want to see Sask Farmer get ahead.

                The vote of envy.

                Remember that when it comes to taxation of corporate farms.

                Few voters will give one hoot in hell if local desperate politicians regulate you at a 80% tax rate. And then you fall on your head. Pars


                  Thanks Rod, I am sure glad the CWB has my best interest at heart... I'm glad I dont have to be one of those evil rich farmers getting ahead.. This year all you directors should get huge bonuses for making sure we didnt sell to much Durum last year, and carrying it over so we could give it away this year. Just think of the Taxes you saved us, and again we dont have to expand our farms because we are barely above the cost of production with the most recent PRO. Your doing just a fabulous job!


                    Mbratrud-incase you never figured it out we know each other.Told you one time "man that noodle durum thing could be huge".


                      We where at "the" breakfast.


                        Anyone know the date that Vader quit publishing his personal comments about our farm businesses?. I ask because there was a "code of ethics" type of complaint made to the secretary of the CWB Board chairman shortly after the unbelievable post made by the CWB director.
                        No one from th CWB ever got back to me concerning any action taken.
                        So; I'll add to the list that the CWB apparently condones very low standards of conduct.


                          Isn't the internet great. It can remember things like this that most would have forgotten. Its right there in black and white from Rocking Roddy himself. Forever for all others to see and be reminded the next time a person goes to a cwb meeting.

                          Here is another *****. I went to the Calgary meeting and producers, even the huts, said there were too many producers payment options (ppo's). SO instead of getting rid of some programs - the cwb hires so called experts you can call to get an explanation because the lazy asses at the 800 number can't be bothered to figure things like that out and explain it to producers over the phone.

                          And since I am going to play by the rules.....


                            .... the next ***** from the cwb is the 800 number lazy asses themselves.

                            I talked to one girl there that couldn't understand why it took three years to get paid for my durum crop. Idiots.


                              CP - I have suspected you were someone I probably knew.. Unfortunatly I have been to many breakfasts and sat with many great people fire me an email mark@bratrudag.ca.

                              ... More on my rant, I do believe that in the 07/08 crop year the CWB did save us farmers from themselves, There would have been lots of Durum sold for under $10/bu and all you need to prove that is look south of the border and see what US Farmers did. There would have been a few farmers that hit the top. BUT for Comments like this to be made by a director is something else. For the same reasons they did reasonably well in 07/08 they did they have screwed up the 2 following years.


                                Sure the CWB saved some durum farmers from themselves in 2007/2008; but they did it at the expense of some other farmers. If the main purpose of the CWB is to ensure that one farmer can't do better than any others; then be consistant. The foundation of our economic system also will need some drastic changes to bring it into line with the CWB direction.
                                Vader's true colors are shown in that rant. Just because he is now quit (for whatever reason) doesn't mean he isn't busy behind the scenes. Quiet busy guys can be the most dangerous.
                                Maybe Vader did learn one lesson, but he has many more lessons to learn before I'd want him to represent me.


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