Just on the linoleum idea, it has to be free enterprise, otherwise it's dead on arrival. After all, we have a massive market just south of us. And with the whole green and sustainable movement just kicking into gear (bamboo flooring anyone?), linoleum would have a huge marketing advantage.
The one other alternative is to use some of this soon-to-be overcapacity in the canola crush biz and use it for flax instead. Then ship the oil to Europe because the genetic material doesn't exist in the oil.
Either way, we get a little more value-added on the prairies.
The one other alternative is to use some of this soon-to-be overcapacity in the canola crush biz and use it for flax instead. Then ship the oil to Europe because the genetic material doesn't exist in the oil.
Either way, we get a little more value-added on the prairies.