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Why EU Triffid Flax Trade Barriers ?

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    Once Canadians have a test, and then Germany has a test, and then France has a test, all of them can argue about the other's validity.

    It's the game played.

    And farmers are left wondering what happened.

    Trust? No such thing.


      Isn't their canola all gmo also, neighbour visited some farmer friends in Germany and the farmers were all spraying roundup on the canola fields. So would not surprise me in the least if the contamination came from Germany itself.
      Greenpeace would not want to allow the contamination to come from Germany because they are considered the environmental police there and it would look like they screwed up. Their funds would dry up like the Sahara in dry season.


        Parsley another nieghbour told me that if he was to continue organic on the one field he would not be able to grow canola on the whole farm. In other words there is canola gm contamination in all your organic grain already and it does still pass. I think the European community will eventually have to set the flax contamination to above o. If your flax can pass with gm canola in it then how can flax not pass with trace gm flax in it.


          A take your breath away wedding. Love.
          You could feel it. You can, you know.

          But that's not a measurable statement, is it? Yes, yes, I don't have to be told that such old fashioned drivel is out of place in a 'spit you out like week old fish' culture.

          I guess I viewed them through the eyes of an imported dry red wine-ing woman. Pars


            There is, essentially, no CERTIFIED organic market for canola anymore.

            It was polluted with GM canola.


              "The stuff that goes on behind closed doors would make you puke."


              No one cares about the other, do they.

              I'll try not to. Pars


                Parsley says, "There is, essentially, no CERTIFIED organic market for canola anymore.

                It was polluted with GM canola.

                The Globe and Mail says...

                "When it comes to oil, olive is considered the gold standard. But while olive groves may not thrive in Canadian climates, canola plants sure do. And about 20 minutes south of Calgary, on his Highwood Crossing farm, Tony Marshall produces an oil some consider just as delectable: organic Canadian cold-pressed canola."

                Read the rest here.



                  As I addressed this before, and I will repeat it again, there is the odd exception for a small isolated field somewhere. But there is no certified organic export market left for canola.


                    People like Pars who have to spread fear and innuendo in order to market their product are starting to piss me off. Most organic farmers I know are good guys just trying to cash in on a premium market. But for a the few militant blow-hards, that feel they need to bad mouth what the rest of us produce in order to grow their market share, this is nothing but pure fiscal opportunism (EU bureaucrats included).

                    Pars is fond of stating that the consumer is always right, well 99% of the consumers out there buy non-organic product. Why is that. Is it because they are wrong? No it is because they recognize fear and hype for what it is, fear and hype. Our food system is safer than is has ever been in the history of mankind not because of the organic industry, but in-spite of it.

                    Thank your god for evolution and technological progress, because if it weren't for these, we would all be shivering in caves...or dead. Now go be afraid somewhere else, because the rest of us have a planet to feed.


                      Hmm, people are able to grow, process, and sell the stuff in Canada, but no one from another country would ever buy it. Riiiiight.


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