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Why EU Triffid Flax Trade Barriers ?

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    Too late.

    You know cott, I unloaded a bag from the first half ton carrying bags of wheat going from Saskatchewan into Manitoba, crossing interprovincial borders, with RCMP lined up on the highways, a year before any border runs ever started.
    I also talked my brother and his wife into breaking the law.

    I'm sure if you check with the Canadian Wheat Board, I was marginalized at that time. They'll have a memorandum filed. Pars


      "why didn't the EU approve Triffid Flax"

      Will anyone ever know except them?


        Larry you keep saying a recognized testing method is not available yet.
        According to this link there is.
        There is a GM flax test info hotline
        Phone # 49-821-747-76-30

        A better link to GeneticID Europe Ag



          I realize it is much easier to 'go along' to 'get along', cott.

          It doesn't pay to 'feel'. Parsley


            If you read all the releases, the EU is very careful in the wording. Suspected.

            For three weeks Thomas Meikle did not mention flax in his weekly OIL WORLD - when he did this is what he had to say.

            In European laboratories the GM material was identified as FP967 or Triffid, a flax variety introduced in the late nineties. However, a
            recognized testing method is not yet available.

            This is a gold mine for Genetic ID.

            The last gold mine everyone bought into with no research?



              Maybe a little off topic but here is a question.

              If I grew triffid flax unknowingly (and I didn't) using conventional methods and the traditional centurion/buctrilm chemicals would it be gm flax?

              And if parsley grew triffid flax, unknowingly by some seed mixup, organically would it be gmflax?


                On a lighter note Pars, did anyone at the wedding come down with a case of athlete's foot from drinking all that European wine? Cotton's question. You don't seem to me to be a "Baby Duck" kind of girl! (lol) Look, I truly hope this will be a temporary set back for the flax industry. If I'm wrong, I'll have limited choice but to live with monetary pain. (for the European community, I can see a resurgence in your prune industry to deal with your pain!) I'll chalk it up to the quote of "my first loss will be my smallest." I won't be like the livestock industry that keeps growing the damn things.


                  The stuff that goes on behind closed doors would make you puke. This is a game so high level and secret no one from this discussion group will ever know the why's and the howcome's of this event detection.

                  Most events occur in almost every cargo in the form of dust alone. Even in oil DNA can be detected even though the DNA resides in the protein which is in the seperated meal. The markers are easily sequenced from any trait and identified.

                  What a country chooses to do at any time with adventitious presence whether it exists or not at a zero tolerance is purely political and or financial.

                  BTW in Germany most of the yeast used to produce beer is GMO yeast and has been for quite a while.


                    That grain would be decertified from organic status, if tested GM.

                    Depoending upon where the seed came from, the entire farm could be decertified. Pars


                      Regulatory disorder IS political.


                        Once Canadians have a test, and then Germany has a test, and then France has a test, all of them can argue about the other's validity.

                        It's the game played.

                        And farmers are left wondering what happened.

                        Trust? No such thing.


                          Isn't their canola all gmo also, neighbour visited some farmer friends in Germany and the farmers were all spraying roundup on the canola fields. So would not surprise me in the least if the contamination came from Germany itself.
                          Greenpeace would not want to allow the contamination to come from Germany because they are considered the environmental police there and it would look like they screwed up. Their funds would dry up like the Sahara in dry season.


                            Parsley another nieghbour told me that if he was to continue organic on the one field he would not be able to grow canola on the whole farm. In other words there is canola gm contamination in all your organic grain already and it does still pass. I think the European community will eventually have to set the flax contamination to above o. If your flax can pass with gm canola in it then how can flax not pass with trace gm flax in it.


                              A take your breath away wedding. Love.
                              You could feel it. You can, you know.

                              But that's not a measurable statement, is it? Yes, yes, I don't have to be told that such old fashioned drivel is out of place in a 'spit you out like week old fish' culture.

                              I guess I viewed them through the eyes of an imported dry red wine-ing woman. Pars


                                There is, essentially, no CERTIFIED organic market for canola anymore.

                                It was polluted with GM canola.


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