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1st week of October lost for Harvest.

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    1st week of October lost for Harvest.

    Just got the forecast from now till 11 of October. Nothing will get harvested. Where is Indian Summer. Worried hell yea. So rain hit wed to Thursday Sask Ag comes out every Thursday. Will any harvest activity happen, Answer none. CWB has us all done so their oh so optimistic on that but cant get us a decent price for our product.
    Now ND and SD are under a snow watch for today. Major rain event happening in USA.
    Will it effect the markets, answer is no today Brazil will produce a 64 mill ton crop instead of 56 So no worry. Oh that's in 6 months from now since their only seeding. HA HA HA>
    What a crock of Ship.

    The 2nd week is going to be lost as well, and probably the 3rd week. Drew Lerner at WorldWeather is definiely not optimistic there will be any harvest weather any time soon.

    Wondering how much of the approximatley 10-11 MMT canola crop is still out there? I would think the crop size has peaked - and headed down. What would less than 9MMT mean?


      Still quite a bit of Canola out around me and lots was just picked up before the rain. It was hailed and some had extensive wind damage. Overall this area is about 85% done. Some areas have not combined ANY Canola or cereals. Haven't talked to anyone who knows of any Canary or Flax off yet. Oh well the bins are full and the prices in the toilet so it might as well stay in swath till spring.


        Most big operations have 75% or more of canola in swath in this area. Overall 50% canola in bin. How does canola fare over winter? Any experiences? Ya 2009 ending very poorly.


          Anybody have opinions on oats?

          33% smaller crop and half still out?

          Or is last years carry over super large?


            "How does canola fare over winter?" not worth ship, when your field is only 4 or 5 miles out of town, and all the young kids think it's great to race their sheds down your snow covered swaths, or use them as ramps to jump their machines! Thats my situation and worry.

            Have standing flax out yet and am thinking I might just have to go out and swath it(been sprayed by plane with round-up already) just so it can over winter better.

            Kodiak, I agree, all forecasts show low temps with showers/snow every couple days, till the 21st, If that holds true then the chances of more harvest this fall are very slim.

            Lots of flax, most canary and 15-20% canola still out. SESK

            It would be nice if others would state their location, at least in a general way, thanks.


              I agree general area would be nice, we are north of Wadena for my estimates. Talked to more farmers, still have standing wheat and oats. Most of the canola was still curing up to the rain.


                What do you do with standing wheat? Have 3 quarters. If it snows and stays I would think better off in the swath also but weather smartens up for a week and I could have it off dry where as in the swath it will stay wet and drop to the ground. but I am still hoping for the nice weather. I hear canola will fair well if the snow fills up the swath, not so good if not much snow and the wind blows. Gee how many years ago was it now that the neighbours were combining canola with snow in it, never dare put it in a bin you would never get it out, it must go in a pile and hope that the crusher can take it and mix the moisture off.


                  Canola doesn't get through the winter. The oil is all gone by spring and the seeds are all mouldy. I'm told the oil is all gone - but it burns well though.


                    About that flax, maybe this is just joking, perhaps you should leave it stand, in the spring you can put on 200 dollars per acre hail and leave it stand another year with chem fallow chemicals.
                    Good chance of getting a hail event to wipe it out collect the 200 dollars don't harvest it and you have one hell of a lot of moisture for a canola crop the year after. Maybe even crop ins. or caise will kick in some more money. If I had flax I may leave it stand for a few weeks for to start. Don't think I would really do such a lame brain scheme.


                      Kodiak is right, canola is worthless by spring if left out.


                        That is also what my dad says but neighbour said differently of course he does not want to admit the loss. Oh crap I just realized I could spend a 1.50 per bushel drying canola and the crop would still be worth more than my wheat crop per acre if I did not need to dry the wheat.


                          And I was just getting rested up from the last go.


                            I'll probably get blasted again, but oh well.

                            Canola in my experience winters very well 02 left 1500 acres out. Combined 700 in Dec( will never do that again), other 1500 layed until next April, picked it up in spring, and harvested same bushels in spring as previous fall.

                            Oil content?? Not sure if it dissapears or not.... Don't really care, I hauled all that canola to the elevator for $7.00/bus. Not one load did they test for oil content.

                            Maybe I was lucky??

                            Same thing happened in 04, just not as many acres left out.

                            CP, Oats is very interesting. Carry over is big, but lots of crop out there, and that could spark something. Been long oats for 6 months now, loaded up on more July options.

                            If most guys would close their eyes, and open them one year from now things will look alot differently.

                            I can't believe all this doom and gloom.

                            Who the F%Y^Y listens to the weather network or accuweather??? I woke up yesterday 14 day outlook looked not bad on the weather network.... tommorrrow they'll forecast nice weather. They change by the hour.

                            One more thing.... It's OCT 5th, not OCT 30th!!

                            The guys that'll hurt are the guys pushing way to many acres/machine.


                              Well snapper in my experience the two times we had crop out, canola and hrs. Hrs came through light and bleached but standing. Canola swath, Did half a quarter phoned crop insurance and boy does it ever burn hot in spring. Total Crap. Total. Yes its the first week but the days get shorter and cooler from here on or dont you really farm and know that. Their is huge acreage of canola out in the province of saskatchewan I know of some 2,000,000 million plus bushels out their and thats just people I know. Yea its rosy rosy rosy. Oh crap my glasses fell off again.


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