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    Good point bucket, as we sit and take it on the chin year after year.


      I wouldn't say western canadian farmers are taking on the chin. These bastards and the one organizing this party(cwb) are not even kind enough to buy vaseline for the screwing we are taking.

      The cwb is out buying bins for some organic (sorry pars) bakery in Winnipeg because some lazy ass is too lazy to carry a few bags of wheat.


        Nothing wrong with calling a spade a spade. I agree.

        Canada cannot afford to have our public institutions created so we are foced to deal with them, and then charge fees or taxes, or tarrifs to spend whatever they like. Uninhibited.

        Bins. Scholarships. Checkoffs.

        It all ends up being a slushfund built with my money to support some slob who whines he's finacially crippled.

        Don't get me started.lol


          Just remember that grain companies don't blend grain for free because it is a huge hastle to blend and it increases their risk.


            Where were the farm organizations when the NISA claim was going on and a estimated billion dollars was shifted from the west to the east by alleged breaches of the laws no less. Since 1935 really. How about running for the Federal Liberals in Manitoba similar to the lawyer May provincially in Calgary West in Alberta and then not. I do track these things. So Lewis is giving the land grab speech in Saskatoon today which was put in the court file this past April 2009. I Donata (Dohna) know about these farm organizations and what purpose they actually serve when they disregard a billion dollars or trillions if punitive.


              They were hiding under the same bed, as they were, when Andy McMeachan was being tried in the courts.

              Easy to pluck when you're scared to fight back.

              "So Lewis is giving the land grab speech in Saskatoon today which was put in the court file this past April 2009."

              Bring me up to speed on this. I'm a numblenuts about it. Pars


                And the whining continues.


                  Parsley first you need a little background.

                  http://www.glospasleka.pl/artykul/16462.html?PHPSESSID=454d1e4cb19d448f542b60b62ceae 5bc

                  http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&client=firefox-a&channel=s&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&hs=nEZ&q=www.glospasleka.pl dohna hitler&btnG=Search&meta=




                    Your first link NISAcase, I even had to look up the "pl" to find it is Polish translation. I'd forgotten. You are dealing with a dummy here. LOL


                      It is always good to know who your kids down east are playing with and a little bit of their family background.


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