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We may be done now.

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    We may be done now.

    Very cold and wet tonight, only hope may be below freezing dry over nights. Been there before - not fun.
    How much Canola is left out there? 2 mill tns or so is my guess. Anyone else care to guess?

    How much flax is harvested? Let's say those Europeans want that flax now - just how are they going to get 400000 tonnes that is still standing in the field at 20 % moisture?

    Won't turn a wheel now until next week at the earliest.


      2/10" more here, but very wet fields. Rain or snow forecast tomorrow. Any body that needed it get rain today? Stats Can says 40% = 2MMT or 88 ML bu as of Sept 28, so 2days combined after that. Big operations have 70% of canola left in this area.


        Some thing is funny, CWB, Sask Ag and food have the crop in the bin. Basically its just a few areas that have crop out. HM I have been driving around since last Thursday getting parts etc. and boy is their crop out. Go north of Regina. One guy has 50 Quarters of Canola that I know out. yes combines are waiting to harvest but 50 is a big number. Also there was way more grain bags and grain piles on the ground last year. Way more. In our area NE - E central its like 2nd last week of September. When small guys still are only 60% their is a lot out. But it goes back to the crop reporters the SW is done so the crop has to be in the bin.


          Can relate to the crop reporters. North of Red Deer doesn't exist in their realm. If southern Alta is done, we're done. Here in east central Alta it's mostly done but there are a lot of guys with a little bit left, mostly canola, some brly, a bit of wheat. Of course in our immediate area a lot was finished in July and August before the combines came out. No measurable amount of rain but has been wet since Saturday.


            Those crop reporters should drive from Yorkton to Edmonton on 16. Then go from N.B to P.A through Melfort back down to Yorkton. 30-40% canola left in this area.


              This issue of crop reporting ps me off every year. Few small guys who farm are reporters. if their almost done they tell sask ag and food every one is done. They have never ever went into fields or did drive arounds to see that their wrong dead wrong most of the time. This crop isnt in bin yet and for most of us its a long way to go.


                In our area I know who at least two of these guys are. Yes their 80% done Yes their 80% done but do they look at crop in the field on the way to town to tell the coffee shop how much they have done. NO>
                This way of crop focasting has to change its plain BS.
                AND where are all the grain piles that are suppose to be out their.


                  It makes you wonder alright. People drive by standing crop everyday and still have the nerve to ask "are you done yet?"

                  Its like they get some pleasure in rubbing it your face.


                    There is a lady at grocery store that asks the very same question every day. They drive past our farm to work ship its to ps me off.


                      Our last Sk Ag crop reporter passed away. As far as I know they do not get paid, guess that is what you get for free. Call your MLA to get pay crop reporters to ensure more accurate results.


                        SF3 weren't you bitchin last year about the crop reporters est the yields to be way too high and how Terry karwandi should be fired, etc... Seems like they where dead on last year.

                        Perhaps you are the one who is wrong again, why don't you volunteer to become a crop reporter since you seem to know more than anyone else. Perhaps you are just behind the curve for avg yields and % completion for your area, I guess that would make me bitter also.

                        I enjoy your posts SF3 just sometimes the negativity seems over the top.


                          I did ask her years ago and said hell I would do it for free. Her answer back no we have great people out their plus you travel sask to much. Its each individual area. Well free wheat I might be bitter but answer me this is their more piles on ground this year or was their last year. Also the guy with 50 is 70 miles away with canoa out also take a drive your self then commwent on what's out their.


                            Out of the big guys in our area the range is from 60% done to 90% done...a lot of whats left out is standing wheat and canola


                              Norton what area is home. would be nice to conect the dots. Today drive out seems the Quappelle valley is cut off. South less and less to harvest north of the quappelle more and more. One guy swathing Canola at Balcarres, a few days ago.


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