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Jim Rogers

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    Jim Rogers


    he still says our pay day is on the way, Hm what if usa and canada dont get to complete the harvest. HM.


      Jim must be heavily invested into agriculture.


        I just hope he is right, crop prices have been going backwards for a while. Would be nice to see a Jan/Feb/March run.


          did a little more background reading on where Jim is heading....it appears as though he is not convinced the US$ is going to be replaced by the cornucopia basket of funds...in relation to oil

          he DOES appear to be very bullish on commodoties but i wonder if the issue is more one of our interperetation of "time frame"...

          when guys like rodgers "hunker" down in investments...their idea of short term and ours might vary a little...

          he made an interesting comment in the video that was kinda interrupted by the ditzy chick...when he was referencing gold...he liked it as an investment that you already HAVE...but seemed to think that it was at the top of its game for now...some comment about jumping on a moving bus or something....

          cotton...do you think we will truly see 2000$ gold in the short term..ie...then next 300-365 days??? or does there need to be some fundamental change in world economic policy...

          US fiscal policy is still very much flawed...that is pretty much universally agreed on...but the longer things go on...there is a "deflection" in terms of real concern...not from economists but but from the unwashed masses...is there a single economic "event" that could precipitate the apocolypse?? vs


            I would like to discuss inflation the way it related to Rogers. He said inflation numbers are not correct, everything has increased tolls, cabs, meals and entertainment.
            In the past 15 years B.O.C. says 1.95% per year compounded, works out to about 33% on a flat price. Most things outside of meals, energy, and entertainment have not gone up that much. Sure a $15 steak is now likely $25 (66%) but consumer products are cheaper, shoes same price as 15 years ago (-33%) televisions, beds, computers, clothes.
            I think Rogers is right, we are going to hit a big inflation cycle but it hasn't happened yet, and hold on when it does. There will be winners and losers but mostly losers.


              We might see 2000,but i doubt it, someday for sure.
              Lots of reasons for it to go there.

              Why buy anything that is hitting all time highs?Lots of cheap stuff out there like sugar and soy.The logic is simple.

              As far as inflation-i'm not going to bother,if you dont beleive your lying eyes i cant help you.


                This writer hits it dead on(IMHO), as the USDX collapses commodities increase in US$. Should hold true for ag commodities.



                  Jim Rogers is heavily invested in agriculture and right in our back yard. He is heavily invested in that land consordium out of Calgary that owns 50-some thousand acres in the north west wich is farmed by a man of the same name. This is just one of his many ag plays which he has significant money invested in. As far as inflation goes, we've been in an inflation cylcle for a a very long time and we are due for deflation. That was suppose to be what this so-called recession was suppose to do, but since it hasn't actualy happened naturaly it's likely lurking just around the corner about to un-fold in a very aggresive fashion.


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