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White in Regina!

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    cotton it just arrived.


      Dave, no sense locking horns with him.

      I've done it lots. Every time he gets cornered he changes the subject.

      I can't believe others on this site humour this guy. HE'S A WINDBAG!!

      By the way Magnum, excellent post!! You would think being SF3 as smart as he claims, he would know when the report was taken.(But you notice how he doesn't respond to you?? Because he knows you just proved him wrong.)

      And we all know how he runs 3 combines, and 3 semi's... Well SF3 if your only 1/2 done with 3, time to upgrade those 3 6601's to bigger combines.

      End of my rant. I asked him to state facts a year or so ago, but he doesn't. Laugh my ass off how from driving to his farm to Regina, he comes up with these provincial avereages.

      Does anyone else notice for all these acres he sure spends alot of time on the computer???

      Starting the think he does help on the farm.... but just after school when he gets off the bus!!


        ry9072, I don't want to change the thread but.

        You're aren't alone with the opi's lots of guys(myself included) are having grief with the new ones.


          Bad enough waking up to more snow - internet was down from 3:30 - 8:45

          Working on a 8" netbook is not as effective as three 19 inch screens...

          3.4 MMT canola still in the field...think anyone will wake up?


            Larry, your thinking 30% is left out right now??

            Just figuring 11.5mmt crop, and 3.4 is out.


              i'm using 11.35 MMT

              35 percent left in SK; 30 left in AB and 20 in MB


                I would absolutely believe there is 30% of the canola left out.


                  Dave i think SF3 is questioning part of your anatomy!! I hope it's only a guess, is it 3, less than 3 or a little more than 4, sounds simular to a crop report no one really knows unless your looking at the whole picture. Hope this is not a case of jilted lovers airing their dirty laundry!!


                    That was my guess, just a little shocked it came to that. I have no opinion if it is 35 or 40%. My only comment is that it is next to impossible for one person to question it on 5 points, and therefore talking to hear himself talk. That was all i was getting at.

                    I feel for anyone with crop out. We finished a week ago. Benifits of a drought. Saskatoon to Kindersley is virtually done, although to the north more is out.


                      I used Sk Ag's % for up to October 05

                      I used an Alberta Ag's estimate basis an interview they did with Reuters on Wednesday

                      I used MB Ag's estimates basis Monday.

                      Any email's i received for MB this week had canola testing at 15.0 - both south and north

                      Very little completed in SK in the past 4 days - ditto for AB since Wednesday

                      its an estimate - if it is 2.5 or 4 MMT its a shitload of canola left in the field


                        Top that with little hope of harvest resuming until after the 15th. Alot of wet snow drivin deep into those canola swaths yesterday.


                          Dave do you even read what you right your agreeing with Larry now but when I said I feel from what I have seen traveling their is allot of canola out. It doesn't matter if its 2.4 or 4 their is a huge amount of crop still left in the field and its all sorts of guys from Huge to sfa. Simply that's it in a nut shell. Now to the putz with the comment on 3 6601 sorry, two 55 Deere's plus a old NH and their parked in the bush. Deere's are in the shed. Keep guessing.


                            The 9th day of NOV we have justification for getting excited about leaving all this canola out in the field for the winter. In OCT, we can talk about the possibitity of not getting harvest done, but it is not for sure. I think we will get another good week of harvest weather yet and you will be surprised at how much will come off.

                            Why would the markets get excited yet, the crop still has time. Look at this spring, if the markets believed all the frost/drought/excess rain stories, we should have had no crop, and yet here we are talking about huge production.


                              I coudn't agree with you more Poorboy.

                              We may get your usual weather scare bounce. But S&D numbers won't matter.


                                Write your name here.
                                That is their house.
                                There goes the bus.
                                They're wonderful people
                                That is your cat
                                You're going the wrong way.


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