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    Oooo-kay. Saying sorry doesn't cut it with some people either.

    Would !@#$%^&*()<> be more to your liking?

    Alright, why did you back away from sowing flax this spring?


      It was flax or mustard and mustard had been more profitable in the past.

      Dumb luck.


        Hopper exactly why will all the Oats be feed??

        Still lots of #2-3 Oats out there. Crops don't damage when freezing for a week straight. Rainy cool weather for 2 weeks and 10-15 degrees temps, you have issues.

        Thrashed some oats today 0 mildew.



          Damaged oat groats on account weather and delayed harvest. Second column.


            Not sure what your showing me?? I know the specs hopper.

            I'm saying you will not have a #3-4 oats on staining.

            Some might try to tell you so.... But shop around.


              Crucial resistance levels 2.75,3.00 and then were gone with hot money taking us to new highs.

              The ONLY thing that will take this away is a rally in the usdx-which is breaking resistance downward and has 67ish written all over it.


                We actually thought about your "dumb luck" crop plan, but discarded it due to the fall grasshopper lay, and a bunch of negative experiences.

                Difference between #1 and #3 is .2% excreta. Want to try upgrading, and have had up to 9% sound mustard taken as dockage (of no value) to accomplish this. Our comment was to return this 9% to us, and we would use it as seed with the grasshopper crap as fertilizer.

                We've sold lots of it in the 59 to 75 cent/lb range, but even at the point of feeling good on a stage coach riding shotgun on a super B load, I hate the games that brokers and buyers play with mustard.

                So, I'm going to leave that market to you. Flax will make a comeback.


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