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Anyone try?

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    Anyone try?

    A few guys tried combining today, never made it 50 ft. Was going to try last night but it was not cold enough(-5). Spiritwood was -14 this a.m. - anyone try up there? We may have a last shot this weekend coming up.

    we still have snow on the swaths...we're a few days away from trying


      Dryer almost fixed. We have some snow still on swaths, standing not bad not bad at all. Got stuck taking boat to dealer on back road. 1ft blown snow. Off rut and in ditch. Will start canola at 15 and hrs whenever.


        Neighbour going on clean canola tonight, 11.9 mt, with a Cat been going 4 hrs now.


          High of -2 today. Cloudy all day. Sun peeked out for about an hour at 4 'o clock. First time we have seen the sun here for 16 days.

          Snow on swaths yet. Standing wheat and oats like hog mash. Who knows when anyone will get going? Cloudy with Chance of snow/ rain for next 3 days. I sure do Hope I get to combine some this year.

          Saturday we may hit 9 or 10, and then looks like back down to low singles. Was in Regina/Moose jaw for Thanksgiving. Am always in awe at that dry land, dry climate, and how they can harvest before October all the time. Not much left from south of Elfros all the way there compared to here. I can drive out my driveway and down the road, and not see a combined field for 4 and a half miles, a half section of which is supposed to be peas. Why oh why did my grandparents choose here? They could have gone to Moose Jaw, dipped in a plow, and not cursed their decendants with tropical weather minus the heat!!!

          If i sound depressed, well I am. I am thankful I left cereals standing though. I'll get them warm and mushy like porridge, or cold and soft like macaroni! Just need some sun already.


            furrowtickler - Sounds like you are right around me. Was the Big JD combining with the Big Cat or was it parked? Or was it totally different operator and I'm was off base.


              We have just a little snow on swaths need one more afternoon of sun to get rid then some wind. No more rain for a few weeks would be nice. Didn't you guys get the wet snow or rain to have 11.9 mt. Fixing the dryer today will be ready for sat. The Deere's are fueled plus will have yellow one and gleaner.


                It was a smaller Cat right by town. We had snow here but most is gone from the swaths in a small area. Drive ten min in any dirrection and conditions change.


                  Well giver Ship. looks like 5 day window coming. Maybe.


                    Our neighbor tried some standing mustard on sunday, I think he said it was 11.9, ours would be close now that all the wild oats has shelled out but there is still some v. wheat that is the consistancy of porage that is going to slow things up. Alot of snow melted since monday morning. Poor guys at maymont have drifts though.


                      Doing standing durum as I type. 22% moist
                      Will likely maintain a poor 2 with blending
                      Actually thrashing out quite well


                        in the middle of a snowstorm here. 3 inches of snow on the ground. Horrible weather. Cold Windy.Can't even see the cars on the road. Hard to see the swaths combining today. Arizona sounds inviting. Pars


                          2 durum still?I have my doubts.


                            Swaths here still have too much snow will need at least till Monday to melt the snow, canola swaths should melt out first.
                            Standing wheat hope to try in a couple days. But 60 percent this afternoon, 60 percent this evening, 60 percent tonight, and 70 percent tomorrow for isolated flurries will set things back some more.


                              Standing oats Wadena area combined at 20%MT.Going to take $$ to dry. And yes forecast is crap again, flurries into Friday, another has showers Sunday! It colder here today due to humidity and windchill. Feels like winter!


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