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Any reason not be a lot more bullish?

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    Any reason not be a lot more bullish?

    USA corn harvest projected 13.018 Billion Bushels. The ethanol industry is healthy at the moment and expected use of corn is projected to surpass 4.2 Billion Bushels.
    32.26 percent of production for ethanol.

    Soybean harvest projected to 3.24 Billion Bushels. Soy export projections of 1.305 Billion Bushels, 25 million above last year. Exports plus outstanding sales are already at 758 million bushels, 350 million bushels larger than commitments last year this time.

    With such large soy exports and commitments to date I would think exports could have the potential to be much larger than projected. Lower USA dollar index translates to higher fuel costs for Americans and healthier ethanol industry.

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