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Hm Crop Reports. HA HA HA.

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    Hm Crop Reports. HA HA HA.

    Again I call BS. Last week Manitoba had their canola harvest at 80% done this week its 70 to 80% done how does one gain acres in a week did we seed and spray and get more acreage in one week when it snowed and rained.
    Alberta still has oh let me guess Canola out. Today I am on my way to PA through watrous then to Mefort guess their is Canola in the field.
    Market comment today from Winter-peg. Canola is only gaining slowly since most of the crop has been harvested. Where the hell do these guys get their info. Oh yea Darts on a wall. Yes the dollar is hurting us but we are way cheaper than Soy right now Way cheaper.

    The dollar has some effect but, alot of short memories - The last time the dollar was high Canola was between $12-14/bus. If demand is there and farmers can not or will not flood the market, they will pay. Also hope that soy keeps/stays strong.


      Careful what we wish for... Last time the Canadian Dollar was high, so was fertilizer, glyphos, and fuel. Nothing in this world is what its suppose to be, I just know that speculators are always the first to cry when they are wrong, but they never admit that they are.


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