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Anyone combine this weekend?

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    Sun out east central sask trying light dryer clear sky and windy will try later this afternoon clouds to west


      Hi Blue, getting that shower here also, big drops. On the plus side have a SuperB SQ16D dryer on order, hope to have it in a week.


        Pouring here now.Saw lots of mud and tracks from last night's combining before this rain. Next week W N says NULL drying index! Hope you miss this rain or we're all SOL.


          16.8 1.30 then frucki ng rain


            Road to flax field is wet but fields don't seem to bad. Stated to shower before I got back to get the combine.West side of Lake Diefenbaker.


              No rolling today. First drizzle then pouring rain. No rolling for awhile now!


                Combined 2000 bushels of damp canola then rained at 3pm. O well was needing a break anyways. Lots of time to dry it now. Only 2250ac to go, at 40 acres a day that will take a while.


                  Canola 13% this afternoon. If the sun had come out like forecast, maybe could have done more, but straw is like a rag. Did one hopper - cost 1 rotor belt ($685) and one rear beater belt ($200). Wasn't worth the cost of repairs and frustration.


                    Did my 15 ac of standing barley around my yard today. i imagine it tests 18 to 20 moisture with kochia in it. Over half the barley has shelled/broken off by now.

                    This is first time I have combined since Sept. 30,Craik area.


                      Did 600 bushels of 14 moisture canola before more rain. Maybe november will be better.


                        Carlyle/Arcola.... 2500 bushels of flax since mid

                        So windy it tested dry about 5 Pm... rained out at

                        Kodiak... I burned a rear discharge belt in dry
                        canola... testing 7.3... and had a 5 hour unplug of
                        the discharge beater....

                        What a harvest!!... Bill


                          Started again Thurs. afternoon
                          22% moisture durum finished quarter lighter land
                          noon Sat 25% Durum heavy crop slow going
                          Noon Sunday rented neighbours grain bagger, as we are getting worried about the volumes we can dry in a timely manner

                          How much can you dry down in one go?
                          We are thinking four points a go

                          Seems like the quality is staying and with a little drying and blending we should be alright.
                          hope by the time we are done the cereals the oil seeds will be close


                            Gustgd I won't tell the local elevator that your putting the bad stuff on the bottom of the probed truck. These are tuff times.


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