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Controlled by western Canadian farmers...

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    Controlled by western Canadian farmers...

    Farmers who also grow wheat, barley and durum also grow canola.

    Farmers pay for an office in China.

    Canadian Wheat Board
    Beijing, China
    Suite 708, Tower B
    Beijing COFCO Plaza
    8 Jianguomen Nei Street
    Beijing, China 100005
    Phone 011-86-10-6526-3908
    Fax 011-86-10-6526-3907

    The CWB does not market canola although it does produce a production estimate in their summer updates, so they have waded into crops that they do not market by doing so.

    Farmers expect the government to look after their interests. They don't.

    No farmer expects the trade to look after their interests.

    The CWB has an office in China. If they received a heads up on the blackleg BS in their China office, do they have an obligation to tell farmers in western Canada?

    After all, the CWB is controlled by western Canadian farmers and it is farmers who ultimately pay for the office...

    Where does the CWB's responsibilty to farmers end?

    Well, Weber, that post was a little like letting out a smelly fluffy in church. Pars


      I would say their responsibility begins and ends with wheat and barley. Not that they handle it well, but you've really taken the long way around just to hammer the board. There's plenty of ammo in wheat and barley, but this was just too much of a reach.

      After all, could you imagine what would have happened if the CWB would have stuck their nose into the canola market? Talk about it hitting the fan.


        a little closer to CWB territory is increased tariffs on durum exported to the EU. Not black leg in canola destined China or the alleged GMO issues in Europe but something that will restrict trade. Interesting no one has commented on this until this week's western producer/the narrative in the CWB PRO release.


          Sorry Charlie, but you're assuming that people actually read that shlock from the CWB. Haven't gotten The Seducer yet.


            The CWB is a federal government created and run institution.

            The CWB in Bejing have a Chinese manager. He'd know what is going on, That's his job. He doesn't get a salary and car and benefits like you're paying, without being able to add up^.

            And if you answered the question in your mind: Did the CWB inform Minister Ritz what was going on?

            You'd laugh, and say, "Nope."

            Politics supercedes grain sales, and politics doesn't give a tinker's damn about farmers.

            The CWB, imho, would relish making Ritz/Cons get caught flatfooted. IMHO.



              Why would you think:

              this was just too much of a reach.

              just curious.

              And when it involves wheat and barley in 9 minutes, what say you then?


                Well, with a little luck,<p></p>
                <p class="EC_style8ptBK"><strong><a href="http://www.ggc-pgc.ca/">(these folks)</a></strong></p>
                emailed Ignatieff.

                Check the website's address. That's how you keep farmers informed.

                Anybody know what's for lunch at their Novememer soiree?


                  I would say it's too much of a reach because the CWB can barely manage their own affairs. If they mucked up the canola trade even more (and they would) I would personally go down to 433 Main to smack someone. Just because they put out a canola (and oat) yield estimate doesn't make them a real market participant.

                  Like I said, I can find many reasons to get mad at the CWB, but this isn't one of them.



                    You should have said "controlled by the NFU ...."


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