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423 mainstreet?

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    423 mainstreet?

    <a href="http://dilbert.com/strips/comic/2009-10-24/" title="Dilbert.com"><img src="http://dilbert.com/dyn/str_strip/000000000/00000000/0000000/000000/70000/1000/200/71293/71293.strip.gif" border="0" alt="Dilbert.com" /></a>

    Post of the Month!


      Has a ring of truth to it doesn't it.


        Didn't Export Development Canada send half of their employs home one day last month just to see what happened (paid vacation anyone). And when the sky didn't fall and EDC's business didn't grind to a halt they proclaimed victory and said they were H1N1 prepared. Well my first reaction was that they should FIRE the half that were home that day. They obviously contribute so little to the Crown Corporation that their absence was not even noticed. WTF and they are bragging about this?

        There is fat in Ottawa, and it should be trimmed.


          I watched UFC again tonight, wouldn't miss it, you watching it yet, Fran?, and think maybe one or two of the Federal Ministers could take a lesson or two..

          It's the only way they'd get up enough nerve to say, "You're fired".


            I enjoy it the odd time I see it, but have yet to get hooked enough to watch it on a regular basis.


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