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    Canadian ****seed industry, a request for China to lower import tariffs on ****seed


    China Food Industry Network (at 16:13 on March 26, 2009)

    According to the Canadian ****seed Chairman of the Committee, said he would visit China in April to lobby Chinese officials to lower import tariffs on ****seed and ****seed oil.
    ****seed, Chairman of the Committee, although Canada's current sales of China's ****seed is very strong demand, but when prices close to, the tariff will play a significant role.

    At present, China 9% of the ****seed impose import tariffs on soybean tariff is only 3%.


      June 15, 2009
      Surge of imports of ****seed canola industry losses in China

      Chinese Ministry of Commerce recently issued "soybean, ****seed import alert Alert", according to Commerce Department reporting system to monitor imports of staple agricultural products is expected in April of ****seed imports more than 270 thousand tons, an increase of more than 1.8-fold.

      The first in April imported a total of about 90 million tons, an increase of almost 1.2 times, a record high imports.

      The company reported shipping 130,000 tons of ****seed forecast is expected in May remained at a high level of imports.

      It is understood that China's current purchase price of ****seed oil plant were generally faced with high raw material prices of ****seed oil has too low an embarrassing situation, China's vegetable oil industry has a loss.
      By the financial crisis.
      Since last September, vegetable oil prices into the valley began to decline in the price of ****seed, ****seed spot price per ton from 12,000 yuan (RMB, same below) fell to the lowest 7,000 yuan; futures prices from a peak of 13,000 yuan per ton fell to 6,800 yuan.
      4 vegetable oil in March last year, the highest price reached 16,500 yuan / ton, but in December last year fell to 6,800 yuan / ton, during the year price reduction of up to 9,700 yuan / ton.

      End of the year, China's domestic production of a loss of 5,000-6,000 yuan per ton.

      According to China's ****seed network statistics 220 domestic ****seed oil processing enterprises have 208 losses, profits or capital preservation of only 12.

      As the international vegetable oil prices, resulting in lower prices of imported ****seed.

      In addition, the 2008/2009 annual global ****seed harvest, production reached 5,683 million tons, an increase of 8.4 million tons, setting a historical production of the highest on record.
      As China's largest trading nation ****seed, Canada, 2008/2009 ****seed output reached 1,260 million tons, an increase of 3.07 million tons, an increase of 32%.

      It is learned that 90% of China's ****seed imports from Canada.
      B The recent Canadian ****seed 3,600 yuan / ton about the cost of imported duty-paid basis, converted into ****seed oil estimated at 6,700 yuan / ton to 6,800 yuan / ton, at this price, the company can even make a profit.

      More importantly, the alleged import of ****seed oil yield is higher than the domestic.

      Since last year, the coastal areas began to shift processing of imported ****seed oil plant.

      Nantong Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, according to statistics, in 2008, Nantong Port imported a total of 622.9 thousand tons of ****seed, an increase of 114%, Nantong Port became the country's largest vegetable seed entry ports.

      Even in Hunan and other inland cities, some enterprises have also shown interest in importing vegetable seeds, Hunan, a number of large and medium sized enterprises have already turned to the processing of imported ****seed.
      Industry estimates, China's imports of ****seed this year's total will reach 200 million tons (1.303 million tons last year).

      The industry worried that China's ****seed industry, repeating China's soybean industry in the past. 2004”NCˆö

      B In 2004, because soybean prices rose and then fell, coupled with lack of experience on the hedging, the Chinese press companies suffered heavy losses, nearly 70% of enterprises have ceased production, a large number of corporate failures.

      At the same time, companies focused on procurement of imported soybeans in the year, the loss of soybean pricing.

      At present, China has been growing canola farmers tend to losses.

      In order to protect the interests of farmers, last year the Chinese government introduced a 2.2 yuan / jin, the minimum purchase price policy.

      However, in the interests of farmers are protected at the same time, domestic and international ****seed spread widening, largely led to the surge in imports of ****seed.

      National Grain and Oils Information Center, the latest data show that this year China's ****seed acreage increased by 7.7%, the National ****seed production will reach 1,300 million tons, an increase of 10.2%.

      It is reported that the Government does not want to see the "domestic purchasing and storage surge in imports" situation, it will be "slightly higher than the market value" price to carry out purchasing and storage, but the number of purchasing and storage will certainly be larger than last year


        We need an AGPEC.


          Farmers' harvest production statistics provided to only FARMERS themselves.


            Mendocino (built in 2002, 76,623 dwt) October 1-5 Nikko Yang Hong Kong (Kwangyang, South Korea) DELIVERY. Through Canada's west coast, China has also ship, loaded the Canadian ****seed, rent 18,000 U.S. dollars / day (home for rent Parakou)


              Zhengzhou October 23 ****seed oil futures rose by funding to promote early heavy volume http://finance.QQ.com 2009”N10ŒŽ23“ú11:57Tue 2009 Nian 10 Yue 23 Ri 11:57 NEW YORK

              [NEW YORK] 10 23, Zhengzhou, ****seed oil futures opened higher, pulled quickly opened, high pressure finishing, plate end higher, the benchmark contract extended warehouse a big bang, close long-Yang Xian.

              Friday, October 23, Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange (CZCE) the main force of 1005 ****seed oil futures contract opened at 7,796 yuan / ton, closing price of 7,954 yuan / ton, up 194 yuan / ton, up 7,986 yuan / ton, the lowest 7,782 yuan / t, volume of 75,840 hands, positions 55,732 hands.

              October 22, ICE Canada Canola futures closed sharply down, technical clearance triggered sell stops.

              November contract ended down 16.10 Canadian dollars, to 383.60 Canadian dollars / tonne.
              Canadian ****seed decline was partially due to land in western Canada offset by moisture delayed harvest.
              Light export demand support price.

              Canadian dollar's fall morning on the Canadian ****seed constitute support, but the late Canadian dollar rebounded from the lows to reduce the Canadian ****seed gains.

              Net Oil from China was informed that the November 15, China, Canada and other countries ban imports of ****seed containing black shank; analysts said the move helped the formation of the domestic oil market, domestic prices of oilseeds and vegetable oil are expected to maintain a more a high level.

              2009 China Oil Web monitoring data show that 2009

              1 Zhi August China imported a total of approximately 2.14 million tons of ****seed in Canada, accounting for 97% of total imports, compared with growth of 256% over the same period in 2008.

              According to market monitoring of the circumstances, and 9 to October Chinese factory and are being progressively transferred to the acquisition of domestic oil markets fall, a smaller volume of imports of ****seed is expected to less affected.

              Analysts pointed out that from November 15, China, Canada and other countries ban imports of ****seed containing black shank.

              The sub-national ****seed promulgation of a policy to restrict imports on the domestic oil market to develop boost, coupled with the support of domestic purchasing and storage policies, domestic prices of oilseeds and vegetable oil are expected to maintain a high level.

              In addition, the outer disk continues to be strong also supported by the domestic vegetable oil markets are expected to remain strong trend in vegetable oil.


                As you will well understand, the ExecDir of your farm associations must understand trading and the markets

                Choose the smartest. That one person can save farmers hundreds of milions.


                  Released by yesterday afternoon, according to JCI, our parties have been officially notified of Canada, the United States, after the November 15 to China's ****seed imports not contain black shank.

                  Meanwhile, the demand of imports of ****seed enterprise must have a certificate issued by the exporting country the government does not contain this virus file imports visitors.

                  Canada's ****seed origin is difficult to effectively remove the virus, so this is almost equivalent to China will be almost complete ban on imports of Canadian canola.

                  ****seed is expected to slash imports of fats and oils to form a significant period of prices a boost.

                  Today, ZCE main ****seed oil high in the five-day online side opening to drive oil prices as a whole class period soared.

                  In this paper, China's ****seed oil market characteristics on the current situation of oil supply and demand analysis, with a view to provide some help for the investors in their decisions.

                  Mainly self-production and marketing, import or do supplementary

                  As we all know, China's consumption of soybean oil and palm oil heavily dependent on foreign imports, changes in its price to remove the domestic supply and demand factors, the foreign markets such as the CBOT, BMD period of price changes on their impact has been particularly notable.

                  And soybean oil, palm oil is different from China's ****seed oil consumption by 90 percent from domestic ****seed crushing, domestic ****seed oil market supply and demand as well as related species dominated the trend of ****seed oil futures volatility.

                  08/09 year, China's consumption of a total of 13.67 million tons of ****seed, import volume of 2.87 million tons, accounting for five years, imports of ****seed for the first time more than 20%, while imports over ninety percent of ****seed from Canada.

                  In 2008, China's first import of ****seed oil for the national grain reserves,.

                  Early in 2008, the main producing areas in southern China experienced a hundred years of ****seed low-temperature freezing rain disasters in the country is expected to ****seed production is declining dramatically, the early March of domestic ****seed, ****seed oil prices have climbed to a record high.

                  To stabilize soaring prices, in mid-March the government introduced control measures will be the country oil processed into small packages directly to end-consumer market launch, and in May, with the Canadian Canola Grain Association signed an agreement on import of ****seed oil for the country Chu called memorandum of understanding.

                  By the end of 2008, the first time in history from the Canadian Grain imported 100,000 tons of ****seed oil.

                  In order to further implement the memorandum of understanding drawn up in 2009 in Grain imports about 500,000 tons of ****seed oil in Canada program.

                  As of the first half of this year, China imported a total of 232.5 thousand tons of ****seed oil in Canada.

                  At the same time, imports of Canadian ****seed 1.51 million tons, converted into oil in the 634.2 thousand tons.

                  Purchasing and storage period of the acquisition price of oils and fats support

                  Increase ****seed imports to China's abundant oil supplies had increased by a trace of the pressure, in order to protect the interests of farmers planting and fuel oil this year, May 27, the National Development and Reform Commission issued the "do a good job in 2009 on the acquisition of ****seed notice "was first introduced during the year acquired the

                  Notification requirement is the main producing areas in China's ****seed oil processing enterprises in accordance with commission Jin 1.85-2.00 yuan per listing price of the acquisition of ****seed.

                  Commissioned by the central government to give corporate purchasing and processing of ****seed Jin 0.10 yuan per one-time fee subsidy.

                  The purchase price was equivalent to the price per ton of 3700 yuan, compared with 2008 to 4400 yuan (2.2 yuan / kg) reduced by 700 yuan per ton, or even below the prevailing prices of imports of ****seed, ****seed oil and other domestic oil played a certain period of prices a boost.

                  In addition, there is no restriction for the first time acquisition of the provisional reserve a specific number of acquisitions to protect the enthusiasm of the peasants.

                  September 27, during the year the second batch of national provisional certificates issued by ****seed oil sub-regional acquisition plans, plans to buy a temporary storage 333.3 thousand tons of ****seed oil (off by 1 million tons of ****seed control), Central and stored grain in Inner Mongolia, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hubei, Hunan, Chongqing, Yunnan, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai and Xinjiang provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) listing the acquisition of ****seed, and then processed into oil entrusted to the State Reserve.

                  The purchasing and storage, and the last is different is that from the State Reserve directly to income, and then processed into canola oil processing enterprises entrusted to the national temporary storage oil, taking into account the interests of farmers and oil plant.

                  However, the price is not also announced the purchasing and storage, combined with domestic oil inventories are adequate, so the role of purchasing and storage of the price boost is not very clear.

                  Afternoon judged

                  By the current crude prices remain strong, the winter peak consumption, the advent of the impact of domestic oil prices as a whole class period of the high side.

                  So far, 1.95 million tons temporary storage reservoir of soybean a one-time subsidy 210 yuan / ton to crush declaration of soybean processing enterprises has been completed, together with listing of the new season of soybean, soybean oil supply to increase the pressure on short-term face.

                  In contrast, substantial reduction of imports of ****seed oil by the expected support, is expected to be leading the short-term varieties.

                  Today, fats and oils a day rise in volatility, closing near the day are high.

                  The maintenance of late long train of thought and grasp the opportunity to buy low.


                    So they ban our canola for human consumption but not for planting. Does that make any sense other than they can still make big profits multiplying our GE and Hybrid seeds?


                    But Chinese authorities have told Canada they will not accept canola seed from Nov.15 without a certificate showing it is free of blackleg. The restriction covers canola seed used in oil and meal processing, but not seed meant for replanting.

                    From this reuters article.


                    If they are afraid of our blackleg affecting their crops then they should not be multiplying and doing our research on our seeds either. I cannot believe they want to block canola anyway it is a low value crop to them.



                      Only 2 poststhat were my own comments:

                      1."Farmers' harvest production statistics provided to only FARMERS themselves"

                      2. "As you will well understand, the ExecDir of your farm associations must understand trading and the markets Choose the smartest. That one person can save farmers hundreds of milions. "

                      Those two.

                      The rest are all translated from Chinese websites.

                      And no, the main Chinese concern is NOT blackleg.Pars


                        I see you are just translating. Thank God because the first part was giving me a headache. Perhaps my previous post should be on another topic. Keep up the good work. Chinese language and their thinking is very different from ours. Somewhere in that translation I think should be translated hi Canada, we are bigger than you and you are screwed. My little bit of experience in China was it is not a daily thing but a minute by minute job to sustain yourself to screw anyone else.


                          At 09:41 on October 23, 2009

                          ¡£ [AP] China oil from the network was informed that November 15, China, Canada and other countries ban imports of ****seed containing black shank; analysts said the move helped the formation of the domestic oil market, the domestic ****seed and vegetable oil prices are expected to maintain a high level.

                          Integrated Media October 23 news, October 22, from the Chinese oil network was informed that the November 15, China, Canada and other countries ban imports of ****seed containing black shank.
                          It is reported that this move is almost equivalent to China's ban on imports of Canadian canola.

                          Analysts believe that the state has adopted this policy is intended to control the import market or to gradually ease the domestic oil market pressures.

                          According to China Oil news report, 22, Chinese authorities have officially informed the Canadian and other countries, in the November 15 after the ****seed exports to China should not contain toxic virus - black shank.

                          Meanwhile, the demand of imports of ****seed enterprise must have a certificate issued by the exporting country the government does not contain this virus file before importing.

                          This message China oil network has been confirmed through Zhangjiagang Port.

                          It is reported that Canada's ****seed origin is difficult to effectively eliminate the black shank of this virus, even if the Canadian authorities have taken strict control measures, the disease each year in the country's ****seed resulted in more than 300 million U.S. dollars loss.

                          Therefore, the constraint is almost equivalent to that China will ban imports of Canadian canola.

                          "Chinese Oil Network" editor in chief, said Kuo Ching-Po, from the market to monitor the circumstances, and 9 to October Chinese factory and have been gradually transferred to the acquisition of domestic oil markets fall, a smaller volume of imports of ****seed, it is expected that the impact of measures on the domestic market is not Great.

                          But he warns that the current domestic oil market bullish frequent Before this there was suggested that to raise import tariffs on soybeans and other oilseeds, the country would very likely the true intention is to gradually control the import market to alleviate the domestic oil market pressures.

                          As early as April 24, 2009, the Ministry of Commerce has issued "soybean, ****seed imports of early-warning communication," is expected in April of ****seed imports more than 270 thousand tons, an increase of more than 1.8 times; first four months of total imports of about 900,000 tons, an increase of nearly 1.2 times, the highest volume of imports.

                          The Ministry of Commerce to remind the relevant enterprises to increase imports of risk prevention, appropriately adjust the pace of imports.

                          October 21, the Ministry of Agriculture recently released "in September oil cooking oil market monitoring information" shows that 1 to 8 months, China imported a total of 3,214 million tons of edible oil seeds, up by 26.9%, of which 2.2 million tons of ****seed, an increase of 2.6 times, of which 97.3% from Canada.

                          Meanwhile, in September, the international oil and edible oil prices fell again, the Canadian ****seed CNF price (FOB price shipping) 453 U.S. dollars / ton, the chain fell 7.0% year on year drop of 17.9%.

                          On the other hand, the Government has actively introduced to support the domestic oil processing enterprise.

                          June 17, China issued by the Ministry of Finance and other departments, "the domestic oil processing enterprises purchasing and processing of ****seed in 2009 of domestic subsidies, management practices," said that in order to mobilize the enthusiasm of domestic oil processing enterprises, the central government according to their actual purchase amount of ****seed, according to 0.10 yuan / jin, standards, providing a one-time fixed cost of subsidies.

                          According to China Oil Web was informed that the Canadian Canola Council said it had formally informed the Chinese authorities in Canada and Australia, exports to China's ****seed will not be allowed with the black shank.

                          Related Information: China Oil Web monitoring data show, 2009 1 Zhi August China imported a total of approximately 2.14 million tons of ****seed in Canada, accounting for 97% of total imports, compared with growth of 256% over the same period in 2008.

                          According to market monitoring point of view, 9 to 10 month

                          State refineries are being progressively transferred to the acquisition of domestic oil markets fall, a smaller volume of imports of ****seed is expected to less affected.

                          But the market risk remains cautious, after all, the domestic oil market bullish frequent.

                          The industry believes that this may be the government hopes to strengthen the beginning of imported fuel oil, after all, the current downturn in the domestic market to the government policy of temporary storage has brought greater financial pressure and storage capacity problem.

                          ·ÖÎöʦָ³ö£¬´Ó11ÔÂ15ÈÕ¿ªÊ¼£¬ Öйú½ûÖ¹´Ó¼ÓÄôóµÈ¹ú½ø¿Úº¬ÓÐºÚ ëÖ ²¡µÄÓÍ²Ë ×Ñ ¡£ Analysts pointed out that from November 15, China, Canada and other countries ban imports of ****seed containing black shank.
                          The sub-national ****seed promulgation of a policy to restrict imports on the domestic oil market to develop boost, coupled with the support of domestic purchasing and storage policies, domestic prices of oilseeds and vegetable oil are expected to maintain a high level.


                            Parsley and Hopperbin.... I have been reading and
                            trying to comprehend China's recent NTB on Cad
                            and Aud canola this PM.

                            BTW thanks for the research.

                            I suspect this article in Bloomberg may be related.


                            While translating Chinese is difficult, it seems to me
                            they also want to draw down their own Gov't
                            inventories, and thereby reduce Gov't

                            The extra 6% tariff on canola seed would seem to
                            have the Gov't favour canola over soys as the extra
                            tariff is income for their internal support.

                            I could be wrong as I am not familiar with China's
                            internal policies and logistics.

                            I have also noticed that China is joining the Obama
                            green plan... talking about $15 US tax per ton of

                            The US is clearly more important to the Chinese
                            Gov't and exporters than Canada and Australia.

                            Seems to me the cost of Kyoto and any future
                            "green plan" will be disproportionally born by North
                            American commodity industries.

                            Talk about a demoralizing fall!... Bill


                              Domestic subsidies to shore up their own Chinese industries

                              But they made that clear in April

                              Obviously there was ZERO intellignece.

                              You'd think with the CWB office in Bejing, and Chinese Government subsidies flinging about, that someone would have noticed told Minister Ritz.

                              Fire either the Bejing manager
                              Or some CWB staff.

                              Canada's Minister of Ag is also the Min of the CWB

                              Let's not forget FARMERS ARE PAYING THE BLOODY BILLS.YOU just lost millions.

                              3 people have read the translation

                              I presume the rest of the farmers are not interested.


                                Archer Daniels Midland Company (NYSE: ADM) announced today the expansion of its European oilseed processing capabilities with the acquisition of ViaChem Group’s oilseed processing assets in Olomouc, Czech Republic.

                                This facility, in the Eastern part of the Czech Republic, consists of an oilseed crushing, refining and biodiesel plant that produces oil and meal for the food, feed and energy markets.

                                “This acquisition will allow ADM to expand further its leadership position in agricultural processing in Europe and strengthen our softseed processing activities in this region,” said Brent Fenton, managing director, ADM Europe. “This new site will support ADM’s expansion of its ****seed and sunseed origination network in Central Europe. In line with ADM’s strategy to expand the size and global reach of our core model, this acquisition increases the Company’s presence in the growing Eastern European market.”


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