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    Parsley....... I realize they have internal supports
    and stocks.

    By eliminating canola imports, their own inventories
    will be reduced.... and so will their storage program

    The Bloomberg article claims the Chinese stimulus
    program of $586 billion US combined with the Bank
    lending of $1.27 trillion US was concerning the
    Central Planners that some industries were growing
    capacity too quickly.

    China has posted export declines for 11
    consecutive months, and they are afraid of having
    some industries off side.

    I think they are concerned about a slow US
    recovery ... and inflationary pressures in China.

    I could be wrong... Bill


      Yes, I agree Bill. I slammed the rant down about intelligence but it is disjointed and just deals with the domestic, and not inflation.I was translating this afternoon and found some particularly revealing long reports about where the Government's general direction for China ag is headed And they do want to develop their own industries quickly.

      I was told that a seed grower in SE Sask sold his entire farm to China last week.


        Well they have to do something with their soon to be useless US dollars sooooo but so land buy an oil company or 2 ( korea) buy a potash mine ( or Saskatchewan). As a friend of mine says "If you don't own it you don't control it." So lets kick the s84t out of farmers in Canada and Austrailia by devaluing the hell out of one of their major cash crop's and then when they are rocking back on their heels swoop in and buy em out. ( it's what I would do) If I remember correctly didn't sask take off the foreign ownership law on farmland? If thats the case you'd Better be talking to Brad Pars. Whats worse acting like a socialist or being owned by a communist?


          The way I remember it, a non-Canadian can only own 10 acres of Saskatchewan land.
          The law that was rescinded a few years back by the provincial NDP, was the restriction on out of province ownership (Canadian citizens who lived out of province). This was done to reward the NDP Blue-hairs who would rather sell their land to a Baystreet investment banker than their neighbour's kid.(ya I'm a little bitter)


            BTW Parsley thanks for the translations.


              There is much more than 3 who are reading this is just that most of us heave been trying to combine, move grain,dry grain, and oh yeah try to look after young kids at home or at the dance class, or hockey rink , or soccer, or figure skating. You no longer have kids at home do you. I apreaciate what you are doing here but life must go one for most of us youngin's.


                You're welcome. I try to do what I can.
                Family comes first, furrow. I did note on a lot of sites that China is intent on concentrating on their soy beans, and also the price for them is up.

                I entered


                and clicked on news and on media.

                No press rel;eases out?
                No word to farmers?

                If I was a canola grower, I would get twenty names on an elist saying a head has to roll. It's bullshit.

                Absolutely NO excuse for farmers not to be informed. But first, check and see if I've missed a secret site a canola grower can log on to that I am not privy to. Pars


                  So if they dont buy canola they will replace it with what? They are still eating. Would that not drive up the price of the replacement product and screw us but really do them nothing?


                    Check soybean trading. Check canola trading. Timing is everything.

                    Domestic companies holding soybeans will do very well as will their farmers.


                      imho, canola will rise again. But only when China decides to start buying because they are the major player.


                        I think every farmer is informed now, it is just there was no reason to be alarmed until it was too late. I agree action must be taken now, but most will stick their heads in the sand/snow, and wait the storm out - it is the Canadian way.


                          I was going to ask whether each of you could d o a tit for tat but will start a new thread.


                            Translation: Burn the rest of the canola in the field instead of fightin for it!

                            WE have a delegation going to China next week names are not yet public. IT is a technical delegation I understand.

                            I repeat this is why in Canada
                            we an internal DART team, a team of solutions people.

                            WE need an AGPEC.. I repeat a global
                            group to deal with agricultural trade issues.


                              Boy oh boy Parsley... when you put your mind to an
                              issue you certainly have "sticktoitiveness"!

                              I re-read some of the translation again this AM,
                              and it seems that China also is having a build up of
                              ****/canola meal stocks.

                              What is interesting is the amount of ****seed
                              grown in China... about 11 million tons I think....
                              compared to their soybean production... normally
                              about 10 million tons.... although the Gov't is
                              promoting up to 14.5 mt this year.

                              Yet their consumption of soys is over 51 mt's.

                              Let's see..... the US is their largest supplier of beans
                              and the US has an almost dried up supply chain.
                              Tough harvest south of us also.

                              The SA crop was smaller than forecast.

                              So with a precarious supply of soybeans going into
                              December.... at least in some locations.... and an
                              excess of canola meal.... an economy that is still
                              shrinking.... a stimulus program that is winding
                              down.... costly Gov't program of carrying ****
                              stocks.... a dependency on US consumers for
                              exports... $750 billion US in US treasuries... a tire
                              tariff recently imposed by the US..... a continuing
                              resistance of US pressure to float the Yuan.... an
                              agreement in principle to relax grandfathering
                              requirements and to closely align with the US on a
                              climate change agreement (China is the second
                              largest emitter behind the US)... and a
                              determination to honour their membership in the

                              Of course they will find a pseudo phytosanitary Non
                              Tariff Barrier to eliminate Canadian canola!

                              This is no time to become more antagonistic to the

                              By eliminating canola imports the internal price of
                              food oils and meal will rise.

                              This should help rationing, reduce consumption,
                              reduce the **** meal inventories, and reduce the
                              pressure for greater crushing capacity.

                              All the while buying time for the economy to
                              strengthen and/or adjust.

                              At least their central planning is transparent... Bill


                                Ironically enough, the best retort Canada could have this would be instruct all farmers with canola in the field to burn it...

                                Light the sky up all over so they can see it in China.


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