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Time to face reality.

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    Time to face reality.

    The forecast for next week sucks. The chances of getting this crop off are lessening progressively by the day. Check with your accountant to see where you stand with crop insurance and agri-stability, and it may not be as bad as you think. In our case, because we have had good margines over the last number of years, we have to get more than 80% of our crop in the bin to make this crop worthwhile. We are presently slightly less than half done. The most important thing is, you and your families health and well-being, because the rest is just money and can be replaced. Phone up your buddies, grab a few beers, and watch the football game. GO RIDERS! Good luck to all of you.


    IT is NEVER over... till it IS over!

    I would NEVER depend on gov. programs ... they are fill inners... and always short of what might be expected!

    2009 is messed up...From May, June, July... one month late each month... Aug weather in Sept... Sept weather in Oct... Nov. could be better than you think! Drying will be required no doubt... so keep it safe and help a neighbour if you can't move!!!


      Certainly Tom, we will try to get done as much as possible, but there should also be a plan B in place. I can sense desparation in some of these previous posts and maybe we are too hard on ourselves. In perspective, I lost 1 cousin and 2 friends this summer, all under the age of 60, so my year so far ,hasn't been all too bad. Take care.


        Good point Lesm, everything in perspective. Best to be thankful for what you have and not obsessing about what you don't.

        I for one have gone to plan B, I looked at the forecast and said screw it, it's going in the bin. I fired up the combine this afternoon and put some Durum away that was testing 21% moisture. I've never did that before. At least today I could measure it's moisture content, because yesterday when I tested it, it was off the chart.


          more doom next week forcast by AccWeather not look good..



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