UAE has been increasing imports of Canadian canola. In thousands of tons, 05 06 181.6, 06 07 281.7, 07 08 347.9,
08 09 485.9. USA has been increasing imports over the years with a slight dip to 700 thousand tons last year.
On the oil side China yes China has been increasing imports now at 361.8 thousand tons for last year from 63 10 years ago. I expect it to increase this year again and oil is not banned at the moment. USA has been on a steady increase now at 941 thousand tons last year from 409.6 10 years ago.
Japan may surprise us with oil buying this year with Japanese ownership of the new crushing facility in Yorkton.
08 09 485.9. USA has been increasing imports over the years with a slight dip to 700 thousand tons last year.
On the oil side China yes China has been increasing imports now at 361.8 thousand tons for last year from 63 10 years ago. I expect it to increase this year again and oil is not banned at the moment. USA has been on a steady increase now at 941 thousand tons last year from 409.6 10 years ago.
Japan may surprise us with oil buying this year with Japanese ownership of the new crushing facility in Yorkton.