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Help of a different kind

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    Help of a different kind

    I know not the place for this but money is one thing life is another. Neighbor's child is on respirator from H1n1 where the hell is vaccine, health authority knows nothing can't get through on info lines. See people in cities getting vaccinated, our provincial minister seems to be fixated on one group of people in this province no one else seems to be important enough. Does anyone know, can you just take your kids anywhere to get a shot, they're talking 3 weeks for our area it takes from what I hear 10 days to work, Children are dying now.
    Incompetance in money matters is one thing. This is beyond incompetance weren't we told last year how prepared we were, that vaccine should have been out a month ago. Numbers of sick people particuarly kids is getting scarey!

    I was told yesterday that it will be Nov.16 before the average Joe will be able to START getting the vaccine in the Saskatoon and North Battleford Health districts.Kids 10 or under will require two half shots,half doses,21 days apart.Seems along time getting out and poorly thought out.There is alot of flu going around,Our son was sick 2 days ago.Who knows if it was H1N1.


      Thanks alot appreciated info, just started to think our area left behind from watching the TV.


        That's scary. Does your neighbour's child have any underlying health issues? In SE SK my young children will be getting their first H1N1 shot next Thursday.


          Same here in the Rosetown/Kindersley health district. No Vaccine until mid-November.

          Calgary has had vaccination clinics going for a week now, what gives?


            The vaccine supply for Saskatchewan was cut in half this week


              U of S info states vaccinations start on Nov 24st, nearly a month? There are sick students today! This could be terrible, they should cancel classes for a month!


                I will leave the discussion about vacine alone.

                One thing I do think everyone needs to think about is confined pig and poultry operations. It is critical no one that is sick (including the owner) goes into these barns. The disease (flu) can get transmitted to the animals (happened in Alberta) with both short and long term consequences.

                An idea would be to have people in a community who can fill in looking after a livestock operation in the case an owner/workers get sick. It may be a time when we have to keep track of each other and help when needed.

                Hopefully not an alarmist (too many already) but we need to watch the impact on the supply chain. What happens if your local elevator has a significant number of employees sick? What happens is a major packing plant has a significant number of absentees?

                Maybe the risk is only 1 in a thousand or less but I think everyone needs to have thought through implications and have some backup plans.

                Hopefully not overboard but encouraging to be prepared.


                  Gormley this AM makes Sask sound like the slowest to vaccinate in Canada? Call your MLA, question them, are we slower?


                    How much higher is the death rate of this flu over the other ones?


                      Found it myself-normal flu .1 swine .7 percent.


                        Dr David Butler-Jones said again this morn on CBC that what seems different about H1N1 is the sickest and highest mortality is the teens and twenty something. People will be scared by the news of young dying.


                          Great news little one I spoke of is from what I hear doing well.
                          No wonder people are confused if you listen to government people, there is no problem but yet health regions are saying they are out already and others are delaying just to figure out who should get the limited supply.
                          The more I listen the more I get steamed up, How can those health people casually talk about it's going to be okey we only have a few deaths, when there are families that have lost people to this when quite likely if the vaccine was in place a month ago they would not have. the scarey part for me is that we trust those people for our safety and they publicly display they don't give a dam about anyone, someone's child is just a statistic to them, as long as it's not them and their families. To me it is the minister of health that should set the tone and they are not, all they seem to be worried about are their budgets.
                          When someone drunk gets in a vehicle and kills someone else they are held legally responsible do to negligence causing death there is no difference in mind to those at government and the health department that did not do their jobs and kids have died as a result. They will never be charged but they should be.


                            I think you are being a little more than just harsh on the programmers of H1N1.

                            Just consider the relatively short time frame they have had to develop and mass produce a vaccine that many believe still hasn't been tested properly enough to be distributed.

                            Threr is nothing wrong with reasoned caution but what's sad are those extremists out there that revel in exciting to the frenzied state a percentage of the population that believe the sky is falling on every issue, including health. How else do you explain the overloading of emergency walk in centres by people that have no reason being there, but that they sneezed five minutes ago? Those are the ones that need to be reprimanded, or maybe reprogrammed.

                            I'd tell you to take a pill, but I wouldn't know what to prescribe.


                              the vaccine has been rushed into production and distribution without as thorough of testing as might be desired. it's ten to fourteen days from injection to effective resistance so there are still lots at risk. health care workers are leery of it because the testing hasn't been as rigorous as in the past. our daughter is a student nurse and twenty out of twenty-six kids on the ward she's been on are there for h1n1. she was exposed to the virus this past summer and had the flu but was still required to have the injection. they wouldn't test her for exposure. i'm sure testing is more expensive and time consuming than vaccination. from what's going on at her nursing school and the hospital my impression is that there's a lot of anxiety on the part of the health care system.


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