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Help of a different kind

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    for checking you'd be singing a different tune if one of your kids died I'm sure. Tell that to one of the parents that have lost theirs. These people are getting a good wage for the responsibility of our safety. Relatively short time????? Months ago certain people were boasting how we are leading the world and going to be ahead of the game you think we are??? We are in a frikkin mess to say the least.
    To prove my point further just last night the health rep was talking about how in a few weeks everything will be allright! yet jensend just stated how even the health workers don't trust it, which one is it? Were we lied to months ago.
    And for people like you who don't give a shit about anyone else, I wouldn't waste a pill on you, straight jacket and straight to the nut house, because you wouldn't mind everything would be great there too wouldn't it!!!!!


      the process that's taken place so far is kind of like planting your canola crop and having it in the bin sixty days later. canada will have much more vaccine available on a proportional basis faster than almost any nation in the world. it won't be fast enough for some. the estimate for alberta is a mximum of four hundred people dying. for the developed world that's a huge dealth toll from a disease. it won't likely be that high but this could be a major medical event. saskatchewan did start vaccinating sooner than they had originally said they would and that will probably be reflected in a shortage of vaccine in the medium term. we won't likely go for the shot because we're 99% certain we've had this flu and now we're glad of it. our kids who are right in the high risk group have also very likely been exposed and received the shot because they are going to school in alberta.



        Sir, and I use that term loosely, from your response you would have presented the same reaction to Avers had your child, or your neighbour's child had a crippling, or death reaction from taking the vaccine. It would be "the Health Care Department did not do their jobs, and kids have died as a result. They will never be charged, but they should be."

        I was wrong. Your kind are extreme, extremists that demand everything be done yesterday, and if it isn't, or is, then blame someone else. Me Generation - front of the line. Maybe you'll go after the person that gave your child the flu. I can see your kind doing it.

        My suggestion to you is to play it safe. Don't move, and for heaven's sake, don't accept any preventative health recommendations until the system at least catches up.

        Pill recommendation - two phostoxin tabs, in case the first one doesn't work for you!!!

        From the BC, H1N1 site - 400 to 800 people die yearly from regular flu or pneumonia in BC. Have you routinely taken your family for this shot?


          Speaaking of pneumonia shots, checking, I had mine last Thursday, along with a regular flu shot.

          The pneumonia shot is a life long vaccination against 23 different pneumonia viruses.

          I had a definite reaction. Swollen arm, red hot, temperature, aching legs from hell, felt rotten and headache. One afternoon of it, and one night of it, and then done. Didn't expect it! Pars


            Fear is a powerful emotion,turns people into walking,talking morons.

            I wonder how many people have died in car accidents while talking on their cell phones to somebody else about swine flu.

            But who cares about reality,thermisol,autism and big pharma profits.


              Checking, in those 400 to 800 deaths how many have taken the shot for the desease they eventually unfortunately die from? In other words someone got the flu shot and died from the specific strain they got a shot for? How many of those never got a shot? What you're saying is thatjust because 400 to 800 people die anyway from some sort of flu it's alright that 7 times more people die in addition to that number from h1n1. Those 400 to 800 have nothing to do with the specific strain n1h1 of which I am talking about. We have a specific strain of which we are supposed to have a specific vaccine for, right or wrong?

              So you are telling us the reason for the delay is that it's not sure of whether it is safe or not, health care workers don't even trust it, but the health ministers are saying the delay is because of a switch from producing with the extender (adjuvant not sure the right term) to without not simply because they aren't sure of the safety. Your message is as confusing as their's is. 2-3 weeks ago each health district had x amount of shots supposedly in transit to location already produced, now all of sudden everyone is getting only a fraction WHY? is someone else getting the product? or was it unsafe and a new strain had to be produced?

              There should not be this much confusion over this issue and many times when something is more confusing than it should be, it more often then not means there is much more to the story than what is being said.


                My message to you is to be patient before your stress level compromises your immune system, and you become one.

                How many programs have ever been delivered to your satisfaction, in your time frame? Stomping up and down, and elevating your heart rate makes as much sense to me as demanding that the weather change because you have crop to harvest.

                If you require answers to your questions, which I don't believe you want - only your shot will satisfy you, phone a hotline. It will require patience, but in your case it will be a good training exercise.

                I further believe that half of us will not take up the offer of a free shot, so that should at least bring down your anxiety, and your wait period.

                There, I bet you're feeling better already.


                  Parsley, you're going to know I'm #10, but I'm glad you rebounded!


                    You know what Checking you have the right to your opinion I have the right to mine, I or no one else will get through to you the point here.
                    I just got back from a halloween party for the kids, spoke to 2 nurses and they are just livid over how this is such a screw up. They are taking the heat for the screw up. In their own words they have gotten the vaccine while their own kids have not and according to them the spread of this disease has been under reported for quite some time as well as the death toll being much higher already than reported other causes of death are being given than the real cause to avoid the panic, I told them someone suggested that a max of 400 deaths in Alberta, they laughed asked where that came from because the estimate they recieved and told me is well I don't want to add to the fire but it's not remotely close for Saskatchewan and I'm not talking lower.
                    they were informed today that the total doses was reduced from 60,000 to 12,000 and most of that would be eaten up by first line people and the minister has requested some native bands be first in line, but thatwon't likely be completed at only 12,000 doses anyway. In their own words not mine the feds and provincial departments totally misjudged this and now are in complete chaos. They stated the two health departments are already blaming each other because the reality of whatis happenning is setting in, they are more worried about the political fall out coming than the problem at hand. According to them the vaccine is pretty much going to be a past thought because by the time it comes out in the numbers required most of the population will have contracted it. An estimate of .7 to .9 % on the bad side you do the math.
                    So checking I could care less if you get the shot or not if your that stupid not to go ahead.
                    As far as my stress level it's kinda following the moisture of my canola sample, off the chart for about a month. But what the hell, still got 40% to go, creditors are calling it's not even 31st of Oct and they are calling, have a week of drying to catch up, can barely walk on the fields.
                    Oh I don't care about the shot for me I do for my kids.
                    And as far as programs not working or being late have you ever heard of something called hopeless CAIS an crap insurance well that's what we've got here to deal with.
                    As far as hotlines go are you talking about the health hotline or the SEX hotline because calling the health hotline I tried, it just made my heart rate go higher waiting and not getting through, besides they have no idea of what to tell me and if they did it would be depressing. Maybe your right I should call the SEX hotline at least I'd get through, they'd know what to say but what about my heart rate then????
                    Oh yeah neighbors want to know if you or someone in your family are one of those appointed health boarders???


                      Pretty much the problem with all of this is a lack of info being provided and apparently a lack of preparedness by the health system. The nurses above have their opinion, other nurses absolutely refuse to have this vaccine, if they are confused what are we the public to do? When I say I want the vaccine for my kids, I am putting trust in the health dept that what they are providing is safe and effective, however are they telling the truth? The fact that we are questioning that truth tells me something very screwed up here. this is health not farming, logging, the oil industry or anything else it is the most important aspect of our lives and it is someone's responsibility to insure we are all informed of the facts at all times and especially when we are ingulfed in a world wide potential if not already pandemic, that is not happenning here. And yes when you take that six figure income and take the cash there is responsibility that goes with it.


                        The biggest problem that I have seen here is that everybody wants the shot - now! (Was it not late winter when this first appeared?)
                        There is no common courtesy to let children, expecting mothers, or the sick to go first. The lineups are filled with 20 - 60 year olds with no obvious health problems and they are the ones that are the maddest at having to wait. In hindsight, the gov't and health system should have had the balls to limit first access to the HIGHEST risk populations.

                        On the other hand, people are scared after being told for almost a year that we are all doomed by the media and political idiots all too eager to report on a scary disease.


                          Good points Silverback, If you don't mind me asking do you personally trust that the vaccine is safe and effective?


                            have to ask if you're so concerned about the safety of your kids why the heck you'd take them to a damned hallowe'en party? the other thing to keep in mind is that this is, for the vast majority of people, only a flu. on cnn last night old sanjay gupta said they're being told this might be less fatal than the seasonal flu. go figure but i don't get why the kids can't do without a silly party if mom and dad are so worried. i guess it's an excuse to vent.


                              Sk, you've hit on the dilemna we struggle with in all parts of our lives.

                              Would you have concern when you click on these doctors?<p></p>
                              <p class="EC_style8ptBK"><strong><a href="http://www.foodnavigator-usa.com/Financial-Industry/Doctors-resign-over-Coca-Cola-funding/?c=DCtI7hVoertDnyEOxIssSg%3D%3D&utm_source=newslet ter_daily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Newsletter %2BDaily">(conflict?)</a></strong></p>

                              On the other hand I spent quite some time over several weeks this summer, with the scientist responsible for the development of ALL vaccines for Canada. A good man.

                              We take our chances when we have to do so. Some people have weak lungs and are advised to take the vaccine, for example. Only YOU can decide for your family.

                              If we don't HAVE to take a chance,(after all we do have choices, buying a hot car for our teenager, for example,) no sense playing dead-or-alive-roulette, is there? Two days ago, our friends told us their son, doing his residency will not be taking it. Another doctor I know strongly recommends it.

                              Your choice. Pars



                                I find it noteworthy that the H1N1 virus is contagious, even doorknobs are points of contamination, yet we have been pounded on the head with the fact that the Aids virus is not. Pars


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