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    <p class="EC_style8ptBK"><strong>[URL="http://healingdeva.com/blog/is-h1n1-genetically-engineered"](and if you really want to be play Witchy, type H1N1 genetically modified into google)[/URL]</strong></p>


      Map of flu in Canada

      <p class="EC_style8ptBK"><strong>[URL="http://dsol-smed.phac-aspc.gc.ca/dsol-smed/fluwatch/fluwatch.phtml?province_ext=n1%2C433%2C395&FluWeek =wk200942&Submit=View Map&province=s1"](Sask/nunavit has widespread flu? But PQ/Ont Localized? )[/URL]</strong></p>


        Best defence now is usually sanitary measures plus consumption of warm liquids to flush virus from mouth. Vitamin C as in pills or fruit or fruit juice , gargling twice a day with saline solution or listerine. It has also been suggested that nose swabbing or cleansing helps as the virus enters through the mouth and nose and multiplies there. Takes about three days to multiply out and cause a serious infection. These are all preventitive measures that do no harm. Avoid touching your face with unwashed hands. Be safe.


          Effective? Not sure yet. If those who get the shot end up with the flu I guess not. But, if nobody tests for which flu they have, how will we ever know?

          Safe? How many doses are already in peoples arms in Canada? Around the world? If it was knocking people over I am pretty sure we would be hearing about it from the Star and Globe and Mail by now. It is also using similar carriers and adjuvants as past flu vaccines, do we have an epidemic of problems from those shots?. Not in my mind we don't. In every population, some are more susceptible to some things than others so I am sure some people are going to have bad reactions. But maybe the big, bad conservatives are covering that up to stay elected.


            I heard today that most Canadians who have been in Canada for about 45 years or more were exposed to a close enough strain of the H1N1 to be effectively immune or at least resistant to dying from it. Also told that it is hitting people in their early teens to early 30's the hardest and they have the highest chances of dying from it. Can't find any confirmation of this or anything outright stating otherwise. Cold is moving through my family now so hopefully the kids wont be weakened by that and get H1N1 as well. LOTS of fruit
            and homemade whole fruit drinks in the blender. Multi-vitamins and cod liver oil/omega 3-6-9 as well. We have been largely unaffected by flu and only minor colds for years.


              Well you know almost hilarious that you criticize me for being negative bla bla bla and taking my kids to a halloween party. Do you know the details of the party? Can't believe I have to explain this but. You attack without the facts and accuse me of just that thing. not HYpocritical?? It was a classroom party same classmates after school, something wrong with that? Funny out of all that was said your focus is on a little halloween party vs some of the issues raised, political worries???
              If you think your not going to be affected good for you!!!
              There all kinds of stories some true some bull, time will tell the story not you or I at this point, the latest being this, we had all this vaccine coming in a matter of days, Obama announces an emergency and blames Canada for vaccine shortage, 2 days later we're not gonna get as much.
              When the smoke clears from this people will judge for themselves I could give a rats ass if it's conservative liberal or other. Maybe it won't affect us much hopefully not I simply expressed opinions of people who right at the midst of things happenning. Wonder why it's raised such a stir??? hMMMM!!!





                  Thousands in the cities lineup for the flu vaccine. If a few were sick in the lineup - wouldn't it be reasonable to assume more will get sick in the lineup than if they went about their daily business . When there are no more lineups is when to go for a flu shot.imho.


                    Its Sunday, and "I've had enough" of your inconsistencies.

                    A truly concerned parent would not have taken their kids to a party. No excuses - you have no clue what happens between point A and point B in a kid's life.

                    The British Medical Journal notes that a simiar influenza A virus circulated globally from 1918 to 1957. Many of us baby boomers were exposed to this virus, and still have resistence to it fifty plus years later.

                    The problem, if you want to talk to your nurses, is that the limited doses presently available are being wasted on those that already have immunity. Instead of testing to determine if the first in line truly require the shot, it's much easier to just jab them. A lot like adding a straight jug of antifreeze to the old rad because you boiled it in the summer.

                    Get a life, which you apparently have to have time for parties, and stop being a pretend panic whimp. There will be more people die from a weekend of highway driving to attend parties than this virus will claim.


                      Inconsistincies, You just stated a reason for the shortage is that nurses are not testing those that are immune and are therefore injecting people that don't need it. Thanks for verifying what I am saying that people in charge of this thing don't know what to do. Thanks alot for the supporting facts, Please keep writing.
                      Interesting to criticize someone for having a great life with family, and you kind a lost me here You're saying how dare I go to a fricken halloween party at the same classroom same kids my kids have been with all day because why it's dangerous they could get h1n1? Ahm!!!!! don't know how to break this to you but didn you tell me to take a pill and you didn't know which one because I was all worked up about nothing, meaning there is no danger from h1n1? Which one is it potentially dangerous or not?
                      My kids were not born like you in 1918 so that dug up article may be true for you and now I know why you feel so safe, good for you, it will ease all that mental pressure you're going through!!!
                      I believe you wouldn't know which pill to prescribe because your obviously delerious from the ones your on!!


                        You do not have to shout as denoted by your use of capital letters. We hear you.

                        You do not have to vibrate, since we have 10,000 feet of overburden in Saskatchewanto to protect ourselves from the earthquake reaction you're displaying. We feel you.

                        You do not have to call us stupid because we don't agree with your reaction.

                        You do have to be a responsible parent, and it's not being shown.

                        I'm saying to you that the easy way is to give the shot to the front line nurses, many of them called back from retirement baby boomers who are administering the program. They may have immunity without using up your shot, but no one will ever know. If you want to complain, direct your efforts to this, and not to the speed of delivery of doses.


                          You know checking this was demoted to "childish debate" the minute you raised the "don't know what to prescribe" line. It's carried on by us both from there, hard to describe on paper emotions but I am not shouting or vibrating. I am looking into the possibility of being able to just go buy this vaccine apparently you can just have to find the details. I have spoke to many people over the last while, consensus is more than majority of people believe this;

                          The vaccine and past immune build up will protect those, from this point on by the time the other vaccine gets here those not immune by those means will likely contract the disease. So realistically the vaccine debate is over. What it will do who knows but it is more severe than the other flu to those such as kids young people vulnerable people. Wards of hospitals are full our local pharmacy pretty much sold out from aspirin to tylenal everything in between. Bottom line the disease beat the vaccine in terms of time. People are not so worried until it's there own child or significant other that's affected. Those in charge will be judged on this issue but time will tell how much. My opinion is that this was and is as they say a complete clusterf$$k of responsibility this is not 1918 this 2009. People in charge of this thing either fix their incompetance or give em at least the boot. Still don't understand the comment about being a poor parent given the facts but I don't care think what you want. Unless you have something that's actually an answer to the questions I raised, I am not going to waste time responding, have better things to do drying grain and making snowmen with the kids.


                            Now you're coming around to my philosophy. If you want to end a disagreement, tell the other party they may have a point. It'll make them feel better, and you'll still know they are your #10! That post was funny, by the way.

                            Question Period, CTV today, confirmed that a $2000.00 paid membership fee into a medical club gets you a queue jumping shot into two tier medicine. They could not get our dear Dr. David chief health administrator to admit that that was just plain wrong.

                            If you believe the BC hotline (no, not the sex line) 1 in 3 Canadians will catch this flu.

                            My farm worker suspects he came down with it four weeks back, and has no intention of receiving the shot when it does arrive. He will never know.

                            A type 1 diabetic under 65 asked for the shot. She didn't qualify. Her out, if she takes it, is that she could get it immediately through her husband's employment plan in the U.S. Go figure!

                            I have no idea, in my wee youth, if I was exposed to this same type of virus. I'm prepared to take my reasoned chances, my choice. Like West Nile, I still won't go out at dusk, and sit by a slough to tempt fate.

                            Happy drying - god I hope that wasn't a mistake to say.


                              no it wasn't a mistake to say about the drying. I can't believe I am wishing for more rain to take the snow away just so I can have a chance at drying some more. Hopefully h1n1 will not effect you or yours, good day!


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