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Lentil bull run or just weak dollar

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    Lentil bull run or just weak dollar

    Starting to get few calls on Lentils for as far out as feb. one company asked for me to make an offer? Just wondering if anyone thinks this is the start of a rally like last winter into may or just a dollar weakening senario? P.S Larry did you eat your ruebin yet or are you still a bear for this market?

    You know what I think. I went from one of the biggest
    bulls to an advocate of taking profit. At this point I feel
    some profit has to be taken. You don't make any
    money until you sell.


      I am comfortable with my sales so far. I just feel like with durum bringing negative to break even returns and flax not having any offers, Lentils on this farm have to be maximized to their full potential. As the bright spot on my operation I feel like next year we will be back into a wreck as any one and their dog will be trying lentils again. Just like the 2003-2005 senarios which brought us 8 cent lentil lows.


        Poor Lentils - they have to make up for the CWB, Flax Market, Canola diseases, Livestock Prices, Hog Production Problems. Thank God the world needs more and more food. Let's hope the world can keep sucking up our increaasing supplies. Hey and this market is run by those terrible free marketers - LOL Go Free market-Go


          Reuben in lunchbucket. Scuse while i open it for a second...

          and this spewed out...

          India tendered this week for large greens. You should see 35 cents shortly with some processors having the ability to go there now if they don't have old sales to fill. Tough to fill old sales at 30 first.

          30 bu crop at 35 cents is a good gross.

          I'm with you for next year. 30-35 cent lentils or 7.5 cent per pound durum?

          How well do durum growers heed market signals? Whatever the spot price is in January will determine the amount of lentils in the ground.


            With return's low on flax and durum I think that a person has to take some profit on lentils. Not all, but some. What is the risk on the farm if the price falls on lentils. Lose money on every ac? Risk on Green lentils is 2 to 4 cent profit missed on upside or 10 to 12 cent risk to the downside. Cash on hand is the greatest assest a farmer has. Just my opinion.


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