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Window Opening up a hair!

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    its posted above.


      Window Opening up a hair!

      One smart prof told us at the U of S "don't go home and tell your old man how to farm"


        One smart prof told us at the U of S "don't go home and tell your old man how to farm"


          This is a very interesting piece of information regarding a former young farmer of year 2005.


          I wouln't argue that his particular farming model was successful for a couple of years; and that others could have tried it in the same time period; but for the sake of providing world food in the long term it is to be hoped that we don't rely on enterpreneurs that only stick around when there are killings to be made. It makes me question the criteria for being honored with "Farmers of the Year Awards"


            As for farmmarketer.com
            The current article posted should have also been submitted to the National Enquirer. It reminds me of advertising for lottery tickets by insinuating that evryone can be a winner. All you have to do is play the game.


              “I always looked at the farm as part of my investment portfolio,” says Watson. “Having all your eggs in one basket is not a good idea.”

              I find this comment interesting becuase the reason he is not farming, I think, is becuase he HAD all his eggs in one basket. When he won "young Farmer of the year" my thought was that it was a non sustainable operation. Betting on one crop that every other guy was pushing his acreage towards.


                When he said blue chip stocks i pretty much wrote him off as a loser who clearly knows nothing about the world of finance.


                  I am glad we all agree on something. All eggs in one basket doesn't work and just because you have a masters in Business farming is different. Way different every thing form Mother Nature to Trade disputes that are made up for their people.


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