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    I'm jumping ship to the pessemsistic side on Agriville.

    F%^k me!!! More snow over night!!

    It was supposed to be clear!!

    Like I said I've left Canola out before it was fine.

    Now after reading numerous posts on here I assuming it's shit.

    Oats yep was confident it would be alright if harvested yet this fall, well I now know this won't happen. What will it make in Spring?? Don't know?? I'd be happy even with #4.

    Anyone ever leave Oats out??

    Wheat I know is feed.

    Have $500,000.00 of crop out. Don't know if that will be worth 400,000 come spring, 300,000, or worthless!!

    Pretty flustered this am

    Still think we're going to the moon in all comodities though.

    END RANT!!


    Snapper welcome to the DARK SIDE!


      Oats in the spring are worhtless because they have to go feed. The millers will not take spring oats.


        Snapper try 1.3 that we probably will burn come spring. YEA YEA YEA what a fricking year.


          Must admit my head dropped when I looked at the white stuff AGAIN this morning. And we still have no accumulation of moisture to help us next year. Just every 2 days for the last month we get enough to keep it damp. Sun came out for 2 hours yesterday. Am going to plan a new route to town so I don't have to look at that crop (spell it how you want) in the snow all winter. Guess we'll go bring the combines home and put them inside.


            Snapper et al.... I commiserate with all who have
            crop out.

            Tim Ball ... years ago... said weather patterns
            normally run in 4 to 6 week cycles.

            We were rained out Sept 30.... 30 days ago... so I
            hope this current phenomena has almost run its

            When these moist, damp, overcast, depressing days
            give way to sunnier, drier days... albeit shorter
            days... there should be an opportunity to do some

            In 1965 ... yes I was there.. quite a lot of crop came
            off in November ... and a late Sept. snowfall was
            deep enough to cause yards and roads to be

            Much of the straw baling was done in Nov. as well...

            So don't give up...

            And besides... the lake has thawed and the geese
            and swans are hanging around..

            Here's hoping.... Bill


              Funny trying to think of way to farm that doesn't go past one of our fields ha should have done those four by the road hindsight (N S E W of yard). Putting combines away today, will still leave them plugged in for week but then its over. HA Americans will get a nice week to harvest isn't that icing on the cake. HA HA AH AH.


                bduke read a article in our MC dryer information about 1965 the 1st harvest from hell. It had a guy with 2500 acres of hrs at that time, it all came off in November and they dry-ed all winter. Its possible, he said they could have sold 300 dryers that year. Had tarps around the dryer in Jan and Feb to help with heat. Farming is so much fun so much, and they wounder why I and others get so PST off at BS. It has its fun days and painful times. Looks like were in one of those really really painful times, good luck.


                  Snappy find a cow guy to buy that oat field off you in the field. Will be gone by spring and you will have some nutrients left behind and a few dollars.


                    Since your switching snappy I won't have anyone to bitch at all winter soI'm switching to the POSITIVE things that will happen.
                    #1 Ritz will resign or be punted
                    #2 Cais will be gone
                    #3 People at Cais unemployed will be begging farmers that got nothing out of the program for food
                    #4 Crop insurance either punted or at very least anti-farmer dipshits working there punted, zero premium, individual fields insured, no 10 year average bullshit just cost of production, I could go on and on....
                    #5 Canola and other grains swelled up by moisture like puffed wheat will survive winter, will be dry, good quality and even yield more.
                    #6 All canadians will be vaccinated tommorrow for h1n1, will only be 100 doses left and the only people not vaccinated are the 200 people at the ministers of health offices and health regions responsible for this mess, we'll have to have a lottery oh somewhere February March-ish see who gets the remaining shots
                    #7 Africans will strike oil and now want our canola at 15 bucks a bushel. Sorry China, we couldn't possibly sell to you now becuase our canola is so badly deseased!!!!!! Sorry India Pakistan peas are being sold to African millionaire children to be used as marbles in the playground painted with leadless paint 10 bucks an bushel.
                    #8 My wife will not only open my beer for me but will let me watch the hockey game.
                    #9 Toronto Maple Leafs WILL WIN ANOTHER HOCKEY GAME!!!!!!!

                    #10 God I'm full of shit!!!!!


                      Skhadenuf.... LOL

                      Thanks for the therapy!!... Bill


                        My father-in-law is 93 and he and my husband both say they did alot of combining in November - 6 weeks of this and nice weather until Dec 25.


                          Skhadenof you made me laugh and crap we both chear for the leafs. HA HA HA


                            If you're going to dream it might as well be technicolor! Sounds like your crop ins/CAIS programs have worked as well as mine. My 91 year old father said the same as an above post. Never left anything out but were combining in Nov and Dec more than once.


                              Sumdumguy?your husband?
                              you are now sumlyingwoman


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