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weather miracle

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    weather miracle

    As of 5 pm environment Canada has a temperature of 12 c for next friday. If this goes away and more snow or rain falls on friday we should be able to sue them for pain and suffering. They should not be allowed to give a forecast that far out if they really have no clue.

    Agreed ....
    When looking at Environment Canada information, it
    seems to me they have far more resources... time,
    people, and money ... being spent on "green" politics
    than forecasting....



      Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.


        At 6 the rain is suppose to stop soon. It has been snowing for 4 hours now. They can't even get the weather right when it is happening. Something has to change.


          Icelander: Don't know where you are, but here are forecast highs for Saskatoon for next Friday:
          Env Can: 12
          Weather Network: 2
          Accuweather: -3 (yes that is a minus)

          Hope EC has it right this time.


            Neil at least you have to admit ONE of them should be close.


              What baffles me is the "deadly" acurate 5 day forecasts. Then 2 hours later it's completly changed. I could understand moving the forecast a few hours in either direction but if it's so acurate how can it possibly change so completly in 2 hours?


                Call me whatever you want but if this is the best they can do I would fire every environment employee.

                I can look out a window for better weather forecasting.


                  Today was nice - dry and a west wind. Swaths getting close. 10% chance of showers for 4 days. Current radar now shows rain moving in. Somebody up there does not like us at all. Didn't buy more scotch with the nice forecast so must switch to rum.


                    how far south does the snow go in Sask, an inch or so to 3 inches places I'm hearing in the northern areas.
                    About the forecasting is it that the resources to do a forecast aren't there, are the people unqualified, is it just not possible to forecast even a day ahead, if not then why waste all that money at all?
                    They better be right this time about the 12-13 degreee sunny forecast for Friday, ( although with that much snow not sure one day of 12 is going to work)
                    guys here are pretty serious about a good old fashioned tar and feather, but they are wondering should it be the forecasters or the person in charge of the program.


                      Last spin of the wheel EC showed 14 for coming Friday. Farmzone shows 2. Pardon? How can 2 forecasts for the same area be so totally different? I'm predicting near 0, clear, with slight breeze and chance of dwindling darkness. For the next 32 minutes. Or not. Can we blame this on the CWB?


                        If you go by the moon phase, this full moon will bring in cool dry sun for a while. Unfortunately the last full moon ushered in a devestating blow for most and it will be too little too late.


                          Ain't no miracle here. Snowed about three inches last night. Some guys down the road were piling up the last of there canola swaths and TRYING to burn it before the snow came. Smoldered away through the flakes. Season could be over even with 12 forecast for friday. I'd be happy if it got above zero according to there accuracy factor. They'd need a miracle to be even close.


                            Hope you guys get your miracle and your crops

                            UK weather forcasts no better, 12 hrs at best. The five day ones are useless and like you we can pick the one we like best. Some people even think they are encoraged to be over optomistic to promote optimism in hard ecconomic times.

                            Last April we were promised a barbaque summer, got the usual damp drizzle but we are suppossed to alter our lifstyles because they can forecast global warming in 30years.

                            History shows climates change but can anyone believe that what we do will have a measured and desired effect?

                            Best of luck getting those crops in.


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