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Combining Flax Today

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    Combining Flax Today

    My neighbour is combining flax ... very slowly and
    not much dust...

    Standing flax... started about 3PM.

    The support equipment is mostly parked.

    Perhaps this week will be friendlier.

    Here's hoping... Bill

    First time commenter on AgriVille. We have flax left, and it is swathed.Should have left it standing late Sept. but who knew? Have never left any out over winter, responses I am getting from terminals is that they will not buy spring thrashed. Anyone have experience with that?


      Rodweeder - spring harvesting of flax is not a problem. We have been in that situation and were able to - that particular spring to harvest it dry. It was graded as number one. I know some flax that spring in the area was downgraded to a two but that is workable. If you are in a higher snow fall area your biggest challenge will be keeping the snowmobiles off the field.


        That year we had both swathed and standing flax in the field. Both stood the elements of winter well.


          I just heard the same thing today, elevators WILL NOT BUY spring threshed crops! Why combine if NO market? Crop Insurance better find us a market before we harvest or it's worthless and they should be write them off.


            My flax stayed out in '02. Harvested dry in April of '03. Half was a #1 and half was a #2. Crop ins. graded it sample. Shop it around. They will take it. The worst thing that year in this area was deer poop in the flax swaths. Some guys were told to burn it because there was zero tolerance - no market. They are still regretting that one.


              I wouldn't give up because a few grain companies are talking tough. Long time between now and spring.


                I know I have given snappy a hard time on his oats but flax and canary seed are OK left out in my opinion better off to save on the drying costs.


                  bduke, you didn't happen to hear what that flax might have tested???


                    Thankyou for those comments,I heard about a farmer who left flax out last winter. He had it custom cleaned and had no probs selling. Viterra says will take this years if 13% or less. Today its like mush.


                      O.K. It is 3:00 A.M. and I just returned from trying my flax. It is -6C and the flax was still mush. How cold and for how long until it is "freeze dried"?


                        Borderbloake.... I have just called regarding the flax
                        moisture yesterday PM.... 13.5 to 14...

                        The grain is dryer than the dust indicated...

                        The sun is out... Bill


                          thanks bill for getting back to me about the moisture reading, as I have a 1/4 of standing flax to get off yet. Hopefully we're in for, a change to the better, and the sun is shinning province wide. This will likely be the last window, without the great pains of working in the very cold and maybe snow.


                            that should have read,( Thanks Bill, )


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