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Canola moisture?

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    Canola moisture?

    Wondering what canola swaths got to yesterday?

    We started at 5 canola was 15.8 swath, field had odd snow on it probably would have been lower.
    Standing the elevator said 14.8 for canola. HRS standing is 22.8 and believe it of not should grade a #2.


      Bullshit crops are all feed. You're full of shit no way in hell can there be #2 wheat! 5 weeks of rain and snow = shit. We're all screwed the crop is all crap may as well phone crop ins burn it!!

      My rose colored glasses must have fell off again. Hahaha.

      Any of this sound familiar??


        Was 21 yesterday. Guys with dryers taking it. Wheat probably 35%. As usual, we are the wettest of the wet. Freaking ridiculous.


          Snapper one word get a life. Oh wait that's 3 looser. Standing will always do better than swath all standing but since most oats swath comments by me are correct. Find someone else to bug.


            Also ever here of blend your good with my poor ah poor you. We have way more 1 to blend with our own thanks.


              Ya, like pooling grain and therefore price.


                SF#, is it a #2 on it's own, or a #2 after blending?(moisture values till dry? dry #1 with tough #2)


                  Snappy, the only one that has shit for brains is you. We straight cut our last 350 acres of HRS on Oct 22nd and it graded #1 with moisture between 18.5 to 22.5. So keep the gloom & doom shit for your own farm!


                    On its own a 2 but its lighter will dry out of bag but canola is first then hrs then oats


                      Quill Lake north standing wheat still a #2 but in my swaths it's looking crappier every day. Soft kernels like 30% . Hoping for this week's weather forecast. Need to melt the snow. Canola combined in area yesterday. Plugging sieves and elevators are the problems.


                        Kuzma, you must be new to this site.

                        I'm the last guy on here posting doom and gloom.

                        It's called sarcasm.


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