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Maybe today?

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    Maybe today?

    Who hoo! Canola actually made it on the chart yesterday! It occured to me as I was trying to scramble a crew last nite, the last time we combined my nephew ducked out early to play hockey and ended up breaking his wrist. The cast is off and he's back playing hockey and we're not back combining yet. This harvest is REALLY getting long. Peas in august, it's now november. 4 months of harvest, only feels like 6.

    You know it been a long harvest when you have to get two hair cuts and your still not done. Or four harvest Moons. Ah, many moons ago it was over 30c.


      Three months for us is normal when we get in 4th I start to get sick of harvesting. Oh well maybe should fly to Australia after and work on Custom Harvest crew. HM that wouldnt be much fun. HA HA.


        In '02 we cut silage for most of 3 months. When we decided to do one more pit the guy running the cutter dropped his head and said "I was a young man when we started this". I'm starting to feel the same way.


          I believe today is going to be a big day in Flagstaff County! Lots of guys going to get their Canola done with the 15 degree forecast for today! I am pretty sure everyone will breathe a huge sigh of relief.


            Reality check! All the remaining harvest, isn't goin to git done in one day!!!!!!!!!


              Lots of producers around here only have a days work left - that is what I meant ....


                In the area, at the 1mph rate in 20% plus canola, need a week minimum. Most doubt oats will ever go with 120bu swaths. Standing wheat 22% yesterday till 8pm, then frost stopped combines.


                  Where is the sun they promised? I just got back from the Hogins sale in Melfort where I darn near froze my ass off. Cloudy, windy, and only 3 degrees at 2:30 this afternoon. I had a dream that I was going to combine. It's turning out to be another wet dream!


                    Tried swathed wheat, noway, snow makes sieves wet. Tested 27%. Clouds ruined the 6 hours of possible drying. Grrr was there a crowd at the sale? How optimistic are farmers today?


                      There was not much for machinery. Lots of metal siding and roofing. Many lifts of lumber-2x4 and 2x6 any lengths. Good sale if you had a project in mind. Most guys think there will be more auctions in spring than usual as well as a lot of land coming up for rent. I'm sure the super farmers in the north east are already licking their chops even if they don't have their own crop off yet.


                        We did strait hrs yesterday till midnight just 260 acres it testing 18.2 snow problem in sprayer tracks.


                          Best combining day in a month.
                          started early and went until the crew was tired.
                          If we get another day like today we will finish Canola tomorrow.
                          Two good days will get the Barley as well
                          Four good days Gets all the sloughs.
                          When we get done I might take the wife to the spa and pamper her, she deserves it after putting up with me this year.
                          Good luck all, and stay safe out there


                            Ya best in a month, still had to get a SHOWER at 10pm! Anyone else get peed on?
                            Swathed wheat at 21%, straw rotten, combines easy unless and spot where snow just melted yesterday. 56lbs now, loss of 12% in weight, plus a couple of grades due bran frost wrinkles,at about $25/acre. Month of October cost us $50/ acre on wheat plus drying, more if it's a feed. But wait nat gas is cheaper. Is the canola less weight? I'd bet in spring it's all worthless.


                              Fjlip I am in same boat near you it seems. Snow just melted out from under the wheat yesterday. Now testing 21. Got the sprinkle had to use windshield wipers a few times. Hope we get this 2 weeks, likely need it.


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