There was not much for machinery. Lots of metal siding and roofing. Many lifts of lumber-2x4 and 2x6 any lengths. Good sale if you had a project in mind. Most guys think there will be more auctions in spring than usual as well as a lot of land coming up for rent. I'm sure the super farmers in the north east are already licking their chops even if they don't have their own crop off yet.
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Best combining day in a month.
started early and went until the crew was tired.
If we get another day like today we will finish Canola tomorrow.
Two good days will get the Barley as well
Four good days Gets all the sloughs.
When we get done I might take the wife to the spa and pamper her, she deserves it after putting up with me this year.
Good luck all, and stay safe out there
Ya best in a month, still had to get a SHOWER at 10pm! Anyone else get peed on?
Swathed wheat at 21%, straw rotten, combines easy unless and spot where snow just melted yesterday. 56lbs now, loss of 12% in weight, plus a couple of grades due bran frost wrinkles,at about $25/acre. Month of October cost us $50/ acre on wheat plus drying, more if it's a feed. But wait nat gas is cheaper. Is the canola less weight? I'd bet in spring it's all worthless.
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