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Rating market advisors

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    Rating market advisors

    Has any one seen any one ever show rating of the performance of the Canadian market advisory services? I know in US publications like Farm Journal they regularily show the performance of the major ag market advisory services and how they stack up against each other. I know here in Canada everyone seems to have opinions on the different subscriptions availiable. Some are quite expensive but are they worth it?


    Check out AB AG 'Call of the Land' weekly clips... as good as any!


    ...Has good up to date articles... and then DTN is a staple baseline!




        to my knowledge there isn't even a publicly available listing or company-by-company description of the marketing advisory services available, let alone a ranking.

        the industry really is only 5-7 years old though, and the various companies are inconsistent enough in their approaches and service offerings, that it would make this type of comparison difficult at best, and probably inaccurate in the end.


          There can be a rating. Now. On AV. By the people who buy and pay. And took advice.


            Bring it on. But first it needs to be clearly stated: what specifically is being ranked? To name but a few,
            - Customer service?
            - Depth of research?
            - Timing of pricing recommendations?
            - Negotiation and execution?
            - Applicability of strategies to the a clients' particular needs?

            This is not a straightforward business that just involves 'calling the markets'.



              You don't get to set the rules on this forum

              The buyers of information do.
              If they choose.



                i'd welcome that approach too. feedback is always helpful.


                  but again, i'm forced to point out, we don't just sell 'information'. there are multiple layers to the service package. each one has value; many are overlooked in the pursuit of the perfect forecast. and that is what makes these types of attempts at comparison somewhat unfair.


                    jamesb asked the queston:

                    "Some are quite expensive but are they worth it?"

                    I think farmers understand and are capable of answering the question as it applies to their individual subscriptions, however the format they choose....IF they should take the notion.

                    If you are a subscriber, I'd be more than interested to read your comments.

                    "He who pays says." Parsley


                      Our farm subscribed to a marketing service last year (not Farmlink). I didn't feel it was great value and we will not renew. We paid a large fee for this service and can't really see how it added value to our operation. Other more inexpensive market letters provided good information that would have been just as beneficial. In the end no one cares more about the grower's bottom line than the grower. Having too much reliance on an advisor just means that you never figure it our for yourself.

                      The most recent issue of Grainews focuses on marketing. One market advisor says that to do a decent job of marketing requires at least 20 hours a week. Marketing does take time, but 20 hours a week? Come on, thats over 1000 hours a year or 130 eight hour days. Give me a break. That could only be writen by someone selling a marketing service!


                        Our farm subscribed to a marketing service last year (not Farmlink). I didn't feel it was great value and we will not renew. We paid a large fee for this service and can't really see how it added value to our operation. Other more inexpensive market letters provided good information that would have been just as beneficial. In the end no one cares more about the grower's bottom line than the grower. Having too much reliance on an advisor just means that you never figure it our for yourself.

                        The most recent issue of Grainews focuses on marketing. One market advisor says that to do a decent job of marketing requires at least 20 hours a week. Marketing does take time, but 20 hours a week? Come on, thats over 1000 hours a year or 130 eight hour days. Give me a break. That could only be writen by someone selling a marketing service!


                          Not sure how I managed to post that twice!


                            We also subscribe to a market advisor. So far my experience is mixed. I don't believe someone should give advice to someone if they have never actually met the person they are advising. How can they know a persons situation if they don't know the farm, the area,the farms finances and the persons tolerence for risk. I believe there is way more to it than telling someone to hold or sell there crop. You really have to know the person well. Conversing on the phone or over the internet doesn't cut it. I have yet to find an adviser that is willing to go to them lengths for my business.


                              We've used a couple different advisors...and havent had much luck with any.

                              Were with cargill, farmlink, etc...and by listening to these "experts" and paying thousands of $$$ we maneged to avg less than most of our neighbors on $/bus on canola, peas and wheat.

                              Get a free newsletter and you are as far ahead.
                              Remember, get as much info as you can...but not to the tune of $20,000 b/c there is no guarantee that any of these "market experts" know any more than you do.


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