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Looks like Aug 28Th.

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    Looks like Aug 28Th.

    Last night any way you looked you saw lights going in our area. Or the rattle of reverser in the distance. Its slow going in Canola yes yield is their but slow going. Left oats since was taking way to long to harvest did lighter field in morning, then switched. Quaker needs to come to the plate and start paying for this ship. Simply oats isn't worth growing for them if its under 2.

    Granola bars that taste like cardboard 6.56 box and how many boxes out of a bushel? Guess.
    HRS still looks nice enough considering all the ship weather but it was immature at the beginning of Oct. Remember back then. Fall work for 2009 = 0.



      Be thankful for small blessings and many mercies! It could be minus 30 with a foot of snow!


        S3 , considering Western Canada is the largest supplier of oats , you would think farmers could negotiate a fair price!



          Since the CWB is a monopoly seller... you would think they could negotiate a fair and profitable price for Wheat and Durum... especially since they restrict the Canadian sales volumes entering the global grain markets!

          Take a look at CWB President Ian Whites recent letter on EU Durum tarrifs being removed!


            Western Canada is not the largest producer of milling wheat and the biggest market for wheat is not next door to us, it is a world market. There is a real difference between wheat and oats.


              Yes, most years I can make more money growing oats than I can growing wheat. And I get my money right away.

              This year oats is a dog.

              Thanks to the CWB every year wheat is a dog. If I could get the world price for my wheat it would be a different story but that buck a bushel the board is costing me really hurts.


                Sask - good to hear you got some harvesting done!

                Tom how did you make out with your Flax?


                  Hey,,, you guys with the Blackberries, you can still message during the day while combining? How come no postings???


                    Think I just figured it out. I am running 2 1680 IHs. Not too hard to keep up with the truck in these conditions but spent 5 hours pre start service in the morning this morning. Its only 4 pm and have 3 hours on my list already for tomorrow morning. She is going to be some long days this week. Oh well I believe the new ones have problems also, maybe even operator problems hehe.


                      Just realized the canola is 7.5% which means I could have drank beer for five more days and taken it all off dry. Even with the cab ride home each night I would still be 2 grand ahead between propane and broken parts.
                      Next time maybe


                        Hopper case bringing us the 8010 for aday or two will let you know how it works. To soon for beer need rum its cold late at night. Canola 10 today way thicker closer to town



                          Just finished the flax... tough... but on air!

                          Surprised how good it yeilded, patience paid off for both us and big time for crop insurance! Would much rather have the grain!

                          CI losses Could have been over a $2B bill on July 1... now under $1B...? George was quite releaved when I spoke to him on Friday night! Ed had a good weekend... with 77% support!

                          What a strange fall, out 1 month... did our 2009 seasons get out of kilter or what!


                            Canola down to 13% in the area, lots was combined over 20%, now needs drying ASAP. Finished the swathed wheat, best was 18%. The 60 plus bu swaths of rotten straw combined real easy. Mostly oats left in area. Lots of bushels to dry with cheaper Nat gas, harvest not over yet. Snow forecast pushed back to Saturday.


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