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Canola basis levels?

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    Canola basis levels?

    They are getting very wide now as elevators are plugged with tough canola. What is going on else where? We locked in a 25 for Jan/Feb for some clearfeild in early Oct., lucky move it seems now.

    Crushers are better than line companies around here.


      I suspect the crushers want the canola dry and are not wanting tough/damp.

      Basis levels are a sign how bad different buyers want your canola today/remainder 2009. Some (not all) crushing plants have a capacity of about 2,400/day (60 B trains every day 7 days a week).


        Not sure about this year because have not delivered anything but the crushers do or some do take tough grain and mix it off with your dry stuff that you hauled in earlier.


          ADM in Lloyd was taking one load of tough for every load of dry. Tough not being 16% .


            The crushers can deal with a certain amount of tough right away, the line companies can't store it for obvious reasons. For the wide basis...... just another way to increase their profits when we have to sell some product to pay the bills.


              dogpatch, i know what happens when/why the basis widens - I am just currious if it is happening everywhere of just localy?


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