The current argument we are having is a lose-lose situation. No one is asking the right questions or demmanding the right changes. I agree
The argument needs to be about the good of the whole industry - producer, handler, processor, consumer. Think outside the bin.
Thanks Chaff for the title and I would be interested in your comments
Most farmers and have experienced the cheating and lying in the market, when buyers downgrade, grain they are purchasing. Amazing number of reasons to downgrade, to wet, to dry, to thin, to thick, high protein, low protein, chitted, not chitted, moldy, mildewy, heated and rotten, germination no good, germination to good, smut, ergot, wild oats, to light, to heavy, stained, fusarium g, the worst kind, tough, damp, shrunken, broken, peeled, over threshed, under threshed, foreign matter, spring threshed, damaged due to hail, wind blown, mouse chewed, duck bit, goose downed, bleached, blackened kernel tips, auger damaged, nitrated poisoned, cows don't like your grain, due to poor farming, the list goes on, and on. In fact it is endless. The only time your grain is any good at all, is when there is a shortage of the stuff, then the buys will call you sir, when you sell it. They still won't pay what its worth, but they do call you sir, while cheating you!
I dont agree with this but know many do
I think the reverse is also true. I think farmers are seen by our customers as cheats for delivering off spec or contaminated goods.
Obviously not agood situation for either side.
Think outsie the box?
list exactly what you got, deer poop and all with feedback to keep bothsides honest.
Auction or Buy it Now
Search location and specification local or worldwide. How can we expect a customer to know what we have got unless we tell them.
Online airline ticket sales
Prices increase as more sales are made. These new airlines seem to have shown the established ones the way.
Could a commodity trading site which combined all the above provide a better service to all parties and allow a bit more respect and trust on both sides.
Think outside the bin!
The current argument we are having is a lose-lose situation. No one is asking the right questions or demmanding the right changes. I agree
The argument needs to be about the good of the whole industry - producer, handler, processor, consumer. Think outside the bin.
Thanks Chaff for the title and I would be interested in your comments
Most farmers and have experienced the cheating and lying in the market, when buyers downgrade, grain they are purchasing. Amazing number of reasons to downgrade, to wet, to dry, to thin, to thick, high protein, low protein, chitted, not chitted, moldy, mildewy, heated and rotten, germination no good, germination to good, smut, ergot, wild oats, to light, to heavy, stained, fusarium g, the worst kind, tough, damp, shrunken, broken, peeled, over threshed, under threshed, foreign matter, spring threshed, damaged due to hail, wind blown, mouse chewed, duck bit, goose downed, bleached, blackened kernel tips, auger damaged, nitrated poisoned, cows don't like your grain, due to poor farming, the list goes on, and on. In fact it is endless. The only time your grain is any good at all, is when there is a shortage of the stuff, then the buys will call you sir, when you sell it. They still won't pay what its worth, but they do call you sir, while cheating you!
I dont agree with this but know many do
I think the reverse is also true. I think farmers are seen by our customers as cheats for delivering off spec or contaminated goods.
Obviously not agood situation for either side.
Think outsie the box?
list exactly what you got, deer poop and all with feedback to keep bothsides honest.
Auction or Buy it Now
Search location and specification local or worldwide. How can we expect a customer to know what we have got unless we tell them.
Online airline ticket sales
Prices increase as more sales are made. These new airlines seem to have shown the established ones the way.
Could a commodity trading site which combined all the above provide a better service to all parties and allow a bit more respect and trust on both sides.
Think outside the bin!