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looking for durum burning stove furnace

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    looking for durum burning stove furnace

    40 percent accepted on A series for durum.

    So lets see we were forced to keep back 40% of last years crop now their taking 40% so basically we can supply our preferred customers for over two years. 2010 and 2011. Or till the end of the damn CWB. What a bunch of losers. US guys were able to get a premium for some of this years production then will sit on rest for better prices. In Canada we keep the buyers price cheap and average out a cheap price over years. YEA CWB YEA CWB> what a bunch of losers.


      Reminds me of this comment in a recent AGRIWEEK

      "The Board’s misleading price signals and then its incomprehensible decision to restrain sales led to this disaster. The durum market has been ruined for the next several years. The Board has created a multi-year buyer’s market for durum and it will not be surprising if the bizarre durum discount widens further. Buyers the world over know all about the Canadian glut of durum and the feebleness of the Board as a bargainer."



        The cwb has accepted 40% but 25% it the left over from 08.

        as of todays date western farmers have not technically delivered 1 bushel of the 09 crop.

        If any farmer can pay bills on 15% of the value of any crop I would like to know them. And since we don't get all of our money its more like 7.5 % and that will only come when the cwb makes the next call on durum.

        They need a special advance on durum so if they want farmers to finance their good customers you pay back on durum as they sell it. None of this nonsense of using wheat to pay back the durum part of your advance. And if it takes 5 long years to sell this crop then its interest free for 5 long years.


          Just wait for the response to critisism... Well farmers had an opotunity to sign up for Grain Flo... One of our wonder programs to make it look like farmers have real marketing choice. Very disapointing but I guess we will have to wait until the B Series is determined before we get to hard on them. On the other hand though who wants to sell 1 and 2 Durum for $5 or less anyway.


            Pardon the spelling.... I dosnt spell to good when i'm in a rant....


              My hired hand accidently left the shoot open on the back of the truck hauling durum from the field, and made nice amber trail back to our yard.... Maybe he was on to something... Might have to phone the RM office tommorow to see if they want to buy a bunch of special road gravel. I could probably undercut the local quarry by a couple bucks a yard. That's if the CWB sales desk doesn't beat me to it now that ive given them the idea.


                Does the CWB not have a mandate to market all the grain offered to it?


                  Even if you got one, the grainflo contract won't help you either. If the A series is 40%, the grainflo is too. Plus, looking at the CWB web site, the max signup on the durum grainflo was only 200,000 tonnes, so they're only taking 80,000 tonnes on that contract.

                  It's like those bank commercials where the banker only lets the kid ride the bike in the little square on the floor. It looks good at first but watch out if you want to actually go somewhere with it. What a crock!


                    Zaph Grain Flo in windows 2,3,and 4 provide 100% delivery



                      Some people believe the Act requires the CWB to buy all wheat and barley offered to it, however, if you consider Part II of the Act, it gives the CWB authority to control producer deliveries of grain to elevators (which includes mills, etc.) Grain is defined in the Act as wheat, oats, barley, rye, flax, canola and ****seed and at one time these grains were also subject to quotas. This is the "CWB orderly marketing" stated objective of the CWB Act.

                      Now the CWB uses contracts to replace the former quotas for wheat and barley and allows open delivery of the other grains.

                      So it can be said that without delivery oportunities for wheat under Part II of the Act, the wheat is therefore not officially offered to the Board in Part III of the Act.


                        If its not offered to the board then is that the legal issue for us to cross the boarder and sell our own product?


                          If the board does not want the rest of your production you should be able to sell it to any one you want.They should not dictate keeping you in poverty.


                            but is this our legal out. or push to end the CWB. HM


                              The problem of border running is that it becomes a Customs enforcement issue. The key is export licences. The CWB Act requires all exporters to have (and present to Customs)an export licence. Once a farmer gets the licence they are out of the monopoly.

                              The Act gives licencing authority to the Government and not the CWB, therefore the Conservative Government can order the CWB to issue licences to producers without any change in the Act.

                              The pressure should be put on Ritz et al.


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