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The bizarre year is finished!

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    The bizarre year is finished!

    Well Guys, I'm done. There I said it but I don't believe it. two weeks of November combining. Why was I so worried anyway? LOL Overall it was a real good crop, and at the end much of it came off dry. This is the year of my career, that I will sit the grandkids down someday, and say, "back in 09'....".

    I again appreciate the thoughts, kind words and perhaps from some, the prayers for my situation. Starting combining on the 6th of November? 99 times out of 100 we are in full blown winter by then in this country. Finishing on the 20th? Nobody could have told me this would happen, and that it would be dry. Not in a million years. I realize my good fortune, and am thankful for what we have. I am hoping you guys all have had a decent year, and that sleep can now re-occur at night.

    What a year to remember!!!

    Miracles can happen. Glad it happened for you. Don't like to see anyone go down without a fight. Way to go man!


      congratulations and way to go. We were all pulling for you. Now go have a beer I had quite a few last night head sore today. what a relief to be done.


        Ya she has been quite a year. Anyone want to rent 4000 acres? I can keep the land and the machinery in case a family person wants to farm. Otherwise I need a year off.


          Funny thing on last few fields we got a call to rent next spring 8 more quarters very reasonable rent and close plus clean. Funny first time ever we declined all of us the old guy, two of us and also the hired man. HU. Isnt it amazing how you know when you got to where you want to be and dont want to go over. Other guys can go to the next level were satisfied for the first time to stay where we are. probably will still buy but have guys who will farm it for us.


            Great news, freewheat.


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