The CWB figures everything out to the thousandth decimal point, then takes percentages off the top.
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Would you opt out of the CWB if it became a co-op?
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The CWB give me a window/access to world markets. Their cheques don't bounce. The CWB is an enabler, it allow us to grow and sell product, that feeds the world. They treat us fairly and are helpful and co-operative. brokers for our grain. The CWB carries enough clout, that it assists in our transport of product otherwise the RR's would be screwing us worse than they already are. The CWB doesn't cheat us, it gives a fair and honourable way of doing business. The CWB is a whipping horse, that we kin swear at, when everything goes to heck in a hand basket. The CWB isn't driven totally by greed and corruption!
Thanks for answering.
I appreciate the insights into what you see as the value of the CWB.
Your "case" is that Burbert is more intelligent than most of us.
Simply because Burbert has actually stated his position does not make your case for you.
He stated his opinion but he's still misled:
The access to world markets he likes is available without the CWB.
He's right, their cheques don't bounce. But you don't need a single desk for that.
You don't need the CWB as an "enabler" - you can grow and sell product that feeds the world without the CWB.
Many would disagree about the fair treatment.
The CWB may be yout friend when it comes to dealing with the RR's, but again, you don't need a single desk for that.
Many would disagree about "cheating" - especially when the discussion goes to the Contingency Fund or Export Permits.
I find it fascinating that Burbert didn't mention a thing about getting better returns.
Now that Burbert had the nads to say what he really thinks, how bout you cchurch?
What do you like about the CWB and why?
"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods."
-- Albert Einstein
I think, what it really boils down to, is trust. Do we trust the CWB. Answer is yeesssss, I guess. Well, at least I trust them, more than the open, unregulated. lean, mean, world of the clipboard grain merchant! Sell grain, get a cheque, go to the bank and squirrel it away, till Angribusiness calls with some new scheme or technology to steal it all away again. Then spend the rest of the season farming and enjoying the challenges of solving problems with little or no money, while whinning and snivelling about the government not respectin us....
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