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2010 Land Rent

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    2010 Land Rent

    Just wondering what people are hearing for land rent prices out there? $50/ac is a pretty common number in our area but I wonder if it will hold for the coming year.

    I wonder how much it is up here? I'd guess that it'd be more.

    Interesting as well is the assumption that so many farmers have when they see the price of food in the store, that everyone else is making obscene profits except for them. Without ever taking the time to think of all of the tax's that have to be paid as the food works its way from the gate to the plate.


      Simply put in our area we have a two tiered system. One the speculators who bought property. And then the open Market.
      Speculators have one (sucker) who rents from them for $50 plus. Then their is normal trade at anywhere from $25 to $35.
      Farmers who sell to these groups are fools. Land is gone and the farmer who sells really doesn't come out any further ahead than if he sold privately to a neighbor or two. Take out the Real estate cost and time (up to 3 years to get top price). Private sale money their and fast.
      But in this new modern BS world of farming it doesn't surprise me.


        Makes you yearn for the days when a politician actually talked - if not acted on - about the idea of smaller government. Where are the Reagan's and Thatchers today?
        Instead we've got Obama and Polozi who never met a business they didn't want the government to own and control, doing it with taxpayer's money. 41% taxes on your Thanksgiving Day meal is going to seem cheap when the smoke all clears from the binge these big government practitioners are currently on.

        Any guesses on what tax level the 2015 Thanksgiving Day dinner will be subjected to? 50%, 60%, 75% ???

        Tea Party anyone? Or should it be call it a Turkey Party??


          Hey guys - don't do like I just did. Edit before you post! I'm sure you know what I mean.....


            We have seen $40.00 rent this year but I don't see it happening for 2010. With crops like wheat having a gross income of about $250.00 per acre this year, there is not the incentive to keep land rent up. IMO


              And on this side of the border I don't see Harper's Conservatives being any better. Record deficits, bail outs to everyone, and spend, spend, spend. With the way government is growing in Canada it's just a question of when tax's are going to be increasing not if.


                Only a moot point, but it's obvious that the Americans for Tax Reform Foundation and the Center for Fiscal Accountability don't buy their turkeys at Wal Mart.

                Are they worried about the percent of "tax bite", or the actual tax bite on a $1.17/lb vs $0.40/lb?

                I suspect the rest of their basket of Thanksgiving products is just as inflated.


                  What difference would that make on the percentage? 40 per cent is still 40 per cent!


                    Surprised no one has mentioned the stress involved this past year. Like hell I would pay more even though in the end the crop come off OK. 40 dollars per acre is available here. Thinking to rent out actually. Some farmers need to give their heads a shake paying rent as high as land purchase payments. Must remember interest rates are only 3.5 to 4 percent. Should that not mean land rent should be lower?


                      My options sell 2009 crop and pay off all my debts not having to sell any machinery.
                      Rent the land base out for 130,000 dollars per year. Maybe keep farming 4 quarters to keep farm status and corporation active. I am only 45 years old, why do I struggle with this? This all said there was a lot of money to be made in the last few years.


                        But the highest payers in our area are ususally have to be chased to pay. Phone calls etc. Any one combining took grain as payment. Hm how is the Moosejaw high payers doing. with no market for their Durum.


                          Come on you guys, you are still playing little league over there. Come over to the Calgary/Airdrie/Crossfield area where some people think $70 plus is easy money. Some are rumored at $80 plus.

                          Now also remember that this is dryland, not irrigation, that will yield similar to what you guys are quoting out of Sask. and Man. (Wet years it does do well)


                            I didn't say it right for you.

                            "The turkey is the largest cost factor." No!, the headache they threw in at the end is the largest cost factor, then the hidden taxes. Taxes that, in effect, the second Sam at my table has picked up for me by providing the lost leader on the turkey to get me into his store. It's likely provided on the study that once there, I'll purchase some road hazard insurance in the form of a tire in order to make it to the Thanksgiving dinner on time.

                            I think these organization have cooked and stuffed their averages to make the hidden tax number look worse than it needs to be. I'm selfish. I always look at the bottom line.


                              Do it hopper. Like you said, why deal with all the stress of the past difficult crop season.

                              Heck, some people are going crazy. Driving around I see so many bin rings filled to the top right on the front lawn...


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